Chat 1

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Doctor 1 joined the Chatroom

Susan joined the Chatroom

Rose joined the Chatroom

Doctor 10 joined the Chatroom

Susan: Hello Grandfather! :)

10: SUSAN!! XD

1: Hello, my child!

Rose: Who is Susan? And 1?

Susan: I'm the Doctor's granddaughter. Who are you?

Rose: I'm the Doctor's friend. Doctor, you have a granddaughter?!

1: Yes.

10: Yes!!! I've missed you!!! :D

1: Who are you, my good fellow?

10: You! :P

1: What are you talking about?

10: I'm the Doctor.

1: Oh dear. Another future incarnation. With sand shoes. Hmmph! I'm not hanging around! >:-l

Doctor 1 left the Chatroom

Susan: Sorry. He does that a lot.

Rose: Was that you before I met you, Doctor?

10: Maybe...

Susan: Yes. He is still in his first incarnation, like me.

10: He's quite grumpy.

Rose: So what incarnation are you in now?

10: Tenth.

War Doctor (8.5) joined the Chatroom

10: Come on! Why now?

8.5: Hello. I'm going to do it.

Rose: Doctor? Explain!

8.5 was kicked out of the Chatroom by 10

Rose: Doctor!!! What was that for?

10: ....

Susan: Grandfather?

10: That's another story for another day.

Rose: You're being very mysterious.

Susan: Got some trouble with the Daleks on Earth. Gtg!

Susan left the Chatroom

Rose: Where did Susan go?

10: She's snogging David Campbell.

Rose: You didn't need to tell me!

10: She's my granddaughter. I can say what I like!

Rose: Doctor. I give up.

Rose left the Chatroom

10: Come on! Come back!

10: Rose?

10: Please?

Doctor 10 left the Chatroom

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