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I can't believe that the cute little freckle girl is laying here, in my arms. She looks so beautiful that I can hardly see anything beside her. From past several minutes, she is hearing my heartbeats and is humming quietly. Seems, madam is in deep thinking.

"Gauri, I want to know about you" I asked her, since so long I wanted to hear from her .....

She quickly detached herself from me and sat facing other side. Her this action almost made me sad but her next reply also stunned me....

"I don't have anything special in me. I'm a chotusa employee working in *** MNC at Malabar. I wanted to be a professor but ..... "

Aww!! So cute. "Chotusa employee, Gauri!" I teased her and she looked at me with those pouty lips. Uff God!! only I knew how I controlled my hands from grabbing her then and there.

She was looking at me for answers but I had a wide grin plastered on my face that I eventually burst out laughing seeing her expressions. She gauzed my actions for a few seconds and when realization dawned on her, a pillow came flying to me............

"Gauri..........." I shrieked in annoyance and she tackled me with her pillows murmuring, "How dare he laughs at me and all!!!" I so wanted to kiss her cheeks that were begging for my attention but she herself stopped and was looking down.

Something changed within the atmosphere and that could be seen easily. She ever so quietly left the pillow and stood up looking at the door.

"Gauri, I'm not laughing because you are just an employee, I was laughing at your way of expressing. I know my sherni, will one day be the boss and on cue her eyes pointed to me in sheer astonishment. I guess she didn't believe that she had that caliber to rose so high. Gauri, I don't want to know of your status, all I want to know is what my Gauri loves to do, you know what she likes, how does she wants things to be, etc......" I tried switching her mood but she was just looking at me as if I was some alien.

Akshay, I'm sorry but I thought you would not like me because I'm not as successful like you. I thought you might want a girl who is as established as you and that you have already entered my heart, I was dreading that you might leave me. I don't know anything about love or rather you say a relationship but with you things are different.

Aww my poor baby, doesn't know how to love. It's ok, I'll teach her. But something is there that makes her question such thoughts. I must find out. But let's see what my girl has to say next.....

You seem to be that breeze that cools down my inner demons,

You smile makes me do things that I never thought I would do,

Your words seem to energize me in a whole new way,

Your presence in my life embarks the start of something worth waiting......

Wait, now this was unexpected. I never knew I could do such things to someone which I myself didn't knew existed in me until today. God, what is this. I love this girl for sure then why is so much confusion in my heart on hearing her thoughts. Something is definitely bothering her and she is trying to supress it by my thoughts..... Urgg this is so confusing.............. Ahhh, she has more to say..

I don't know what I feel for you, but these past few days have actually made me think that I was incomplete before but now the things are opposite, it's like something is driving me towards you, towards my destination which is you, towards my solace which is you and only towards you. I never felt this vulnerable with anyone so I'm scared but then too I liked being vulnerable with u, knowing that you would lift me whenever I fall...........

Damn, she is insecure. She no longer know what is love as if she lost her faith in love. She knows what I want and she is supressing her insecurities with my wants. Definitely she is trying hard to forget something but was never successful. I've to get her out of her grief stricken thoughts and I was determined to do so.

"You will naaa ?" she asked for confirmation.

I was astonished to hear how deep anyone could think. I mean I knew I loved her from childhood but her this definition of some strange feeling towards me according to her is more than my love to her. I....I don't know what should I say but I had to........So

"Always and forever" words left my mouth on accord to her confession and her face lit up with a new ray of hope and she hoped in my arms.

"I know you didn't understand a word but I know you will one day as I remembered your actions from childhood. That time you had something strange but strong attraction to me and now I have and I promise that I'll lit your attraction too from the past" she whispered slowly deliberately touching her lips to my ear so that I have her attention but something snapped within me and my hands found their place on her waist pulling her more in me which she least expected and hence shivered in return.

"You don't have to make me remember things because my heart knows his way towards yours since beginning, it's just that time has made him slow to reach his destination otherwise he owns your heart, baby" I whispered with the same tone of hers and her arms clutched my shoulders for support. If she knew to speak with her heart then I too knew how to command her with her heart.

She is still innocent at heart like she used to be before and now has turned into a seductress, she knows how to how my full attention. Akshay, beta you are gone for sure. But now she is vulnerable and she needs a let out. I'll give her that much needed relief after all that's my sole reason, to keep her happy.

Ohhh, my freckle queen, you don't know but I'm already wrapped around your fingers. Everything that is around me remembers me of your existence...... What have you done to this "AKSHAY WALAWALKAR"

HER DESTINATION : A MARATHI LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now