Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Melting the best friend's ego

Akshay, being Akshay reached late to pacify his brooding friend who was waiting for him for the last two hours. He swiftly entered the building muttering a quick hello to the guards and entered the lift immediately while his guards kept laughing at his expense.

Inside the cabin...

Akash, one of the eligible elite bachelors in town, grew up with Akshay or say were brought up together like brothers. Their friendship would make anyone suspicious of them being brothers, but no, they are best friends.

Akshay entered his cabin to find the room cool and his best friend nowhere. He came forward to his chair when he stumbled a few steps back as he was hit by files, oops sorry files and they kept coming at him until he moaned in pain and that made Akash swipe out of his fury.

"Do you by any chance happen to have a look at your watch", Akash growled lowly.

"It's almost midnight!!!", he roared next.

Akshay almost coolly sat in his chair and said "What crawled up your ass this time!!!"

Akash's POV :

It seems like he came from another world. Just before leaving for that marriage, he was immersed in his work and today he is all about me. Well, did that girl did some kind of magic on him or what.

"Ok, Akshay. What's up with you. From when do you have a girlfriend? Because the last time I checked you were pretty much single."

I'm still single bro coz I haven't asked her yet, replied Akshay slowly.

"Then why are you so different, means there is a certain peace on your face, your posture is relaxed, it's like you have achieved something precious."

To that, Akshay smiled dreamily and explained everything.

For a moment Akash was quiet and Akshay was calmly waiting for his reply.

"Hmmm. So when am I going to meet my Vahini", Akash mused slowly.

That Akshay jumped from his chair and launched himself on his bestie and hugged him.

"So that now you are happy, I want to ask the reason why you never told me about her. Is it because of my past? Do you think that I would stop you from marrying? That I would do something and you would have to leave her."

No, I wanted to tell you myself when I get her to meet you officially. But the thing is that we have just met and she has a rueful past that she is scared about having guys around her. So I first wanted to ask her out, make her comfortable with me and then I was going to introduce you as my brother.

(Akash was quiet for a moment analyzing about his friend's would be that he was reminiscing his past about how he was scarred for life.)

"Hmmm. Take your time and let me meet my sister on your arrangement".

So you are okay with everything.

"I have got a few questions but ill let it be for time being. What you thought that I won't question your partner before giving u to her then you are utterly wrong. I'll interrogate her once the time comes to find is she worth it".

To which Akshay laughed loudly and nodded a yes. Sure you both can bind on your own. So now if you excuse me we have to come here again as bosses.

And then they left for their respective places.

Akshay's POV:

I know you don't trust Gauri and I know that you would always compare her with your past. But one thing you forgot that Gauri is an innocent little girl lost in the chaos of the modern world. She thinks she knows how the world works but all he has experienced is people taking advantage of her. In all times, I'll get her to a normal girl who believes in fairy tales. And then Akash, you can judge her that not everyone is the same.

Akshay drove in her ally and contemplated whether he wanted to meet her or not. On deciding he went ahead and knocked on the door like true gentlemen. Malini and Dev were shocked on finding him at their doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. They took him in and sat with him. Akshay skillfully explained his plan on how to get her back to normal to them and waited for their response. They went over his plan and engulfed him in a familiar hug. On getting the green signal he was kind of relieved and set for their upcoming future.While he was leaving with a free smile, Dev stopped him.

Dev: Now that you are here, why don't you meet you "FRECKLE QUEEN"?

Akshay turned in a swift and was looking at his shockingly that for a second he forgot his FIL used his nickname. Dev smiled at him and motioned him to go, to which Akshay smiled goofily and left to her room. But skid to a halt and again came back to Dev and said in a small voice.

Akshay: But Uncle her dressing, I mean I'm yet a stranger to her. So how can I.....Hearing him Dev was proud of his friend's upbringing and assured him he was really fine with him seeing his daughter as he was now fully convinced that no other than him could be more compatible with his daughter. Akshay ghostly laughed and started marching right to her room.3

Gauri's Room:

Akshay tiptoed in her room and was searching for the switched. To his luck, he found it easily and the room illuminated with small bolts, seems that was the night lite version of her room. He moved to her form sleeping amidst the comforters and sat there looking at her. His eyes popped out on taking her clothing. His hands started sweating profusely seeing those delectable curves and he wanted nothing then to hold them under his care. He ever so slowly pulled her on her back and freed the tresses that were blocking his view of her. Involuntarily he placed a quick kiss on her forehead and the smile that graced him was worth watching. 

With care, he held her in his arms and felt like the happiest person ever existing. On cue, her hands wound around him and pulled him down with her, his lips a mere centimeter away from her. For once he thought of her being awake and chuckled to himself. Such a heavy sleeper she was he thought and smiled goofily. Caressing her bare hands, he kept looking at her serene face devoid of any makeup and wished to have her beside him at the earliest.

With a final kiss on her forehead, he entangled himself and left not before looking back at her.

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