authors note

19 3 0

In all the drama that has been happening lately i forgot to  Tell you guys what happened during the course of the book on international day well the decorations were awesome , the food was divine and do not let me gate started on the wine it was so fizzy and nice and now to talk about the day, well the judg3s scored , tasted, scored ,drank etc, we then had a quiz on our countries and luckily we won that at the end , it was  time to hear the judges score on our country .

And the winner is............?...........?...........??...
Year 11 with 97 points

Wait w3 just had some info that the score was miscounted and wow at the end the winner actually is yr 12 with99.9 points wow we won yay, I am so childish  so I went to their faces and sang nanananana I won and you lost ye NOT

Yeah that is what happened

Sarcastic comment of the day

Sarcastic comment of the day

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