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We have been informed that this months flooding is set to last for roughly over one week

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We have been informed that this months flooding is set to last for roughly over one week. This unexpected turn of events has notified food supply helicopters to make journeys to homes across the nation. In other news, citizens have reported that the well spoken of "water angels" have taken up residence in homes across the country. The creatures are said to be curious beings and no incidents have occurred to date.

It had also been reported that water angels are less creature and more human that we thought. Flood creature expert Jenny Sullivan has informed us that their DNA has "hundreds if not thousands" of similarities to our own and that we may have encountered a new species of homosapien...

Karlie turned down the volume of her TV and opted for the radio instead. She needed to chill out to some music instead of mope over the heavy drone of the news. She sipped her morning coffee and stared out at the flooding, which was supposed to be lowering at this hour of the morning. Instead it remained at almost the same level as the night before. A whole week of this? The last time this had happened was when Karlie was a baby, according to her mother who had called her earlier that morning to check up on things. Karlie informed her about the water angel and Tracy Kloss warned her in that unimpressed mother tone to be careful.

The angel had taken up residence on Karlie's oversized armchair, still dressed in Karlie's pyjamas. She curled up on the cushiony armrest and the sun was hitting her face as she dozed. Joe stared at her hesitantly from behind Karlie's legs.

"We gotta name you," Karlie murmured, sipping her coffee again. It tasted sweeter than usual this morning.

The water angel's ears perked and she awoke to stare at Karlie.

"How about... Sally?" Karlie said.

The water angel tilted her head. That was a no.

"Hmm," Karlie mumbled, "Maybe Helena?"

The DJ on the morning radio show Karlie had randomly switched to announced that a tune from James Taylor was on its way. Fire & Rain played softly over the light shower that had begun to fall outside. It was a nice combination.

The water angel narrowed her eyes at Karlie's old red radio. She stretched out her wings, knocking over a stack of magazines, and strode over to the thing. Karlie couldn't hold back the amused smirk she made when she watched the angel press her ear to the speaker. The angel tried to hum along to the steady rhythm of the song that was playing. She even swayed a little, side to side in time with the beat. Her fingers danced along the hard plastic of the radio frame. She then looked to Karlie and pointed at the radio.

"Music," Karlie said, "James Taylor...Taylor! I'll call you Taylor. Do you like that?"

"Taylor," Taylor said. "Taylor!" she exclaimed again, more affirmative this time.

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