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A storm came that Sunday night at twelve AM. The raindrops sounded like bullets against Karlie's thick windows. She sat up alone in her bed trying to read, hoping the power stayed on long enough so she could finish her chapter.

Footsteps padded across the hallway and Taylor appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, princess. Storm wake you?" Karlie asked. She lowered her reading glasses and stared at the girl, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Angry outside," Taylor said softly.

Karlie frowned, "Here, get in here," she said and lifted her sheets. Taylor didn't hesitate and joined Karlie quickly. Her wings were pressed tightly against her back as if she were trying to make herself as small as possible.

Karlie put her book down and removed her glasses. She lay on her side and watched Taylor watch her back. The lamp light made her look soft and glowy.

"You...smell minty," Karlie said all of a sudden. "Were you eating the toothpaste?"

"Water angels clean their teeth," Taylor said.

Karlie blushed, "Oh damn, sorry. We don't know a lot about you guys."

"We use plants called tooth roots. They grow everywhere like weeds. But you do not have any here. And your paste smelt like them. So I washed my teeth with it," Taylor said, sounding quite pleased with herself.

"Well aren't you clever," Karlie laughed. "But you don't need a lot, okay? You smell like you ate ten jumbo boxes of Tic Tacs."

"My mouth tastes like cold," Taylor said.

"Yeah I bet," Karlie giggled. She continued to stare at the being in front of her. Taylor's ever curious eyes studying her back. And my goodness, were they bluer than blue. Karlie found herself getting lost in them. They almost seemed to swirl and change like the ocean itself. The raging waters outside. Karlie stared at Taylor's wings and how they worked. Their design was built to comfortably fold against the shape of Taylor's body. They were small at the shoulders, which allowed them to slip over the neck of Taylors lilac shirt rather easily. Karlie was thankful she didn't have to cut holes in all her clothing for the girl.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow," Karlie hummed. "I was given a day off."

Taylor stared. Karlie stared. Taylor blinked. Karlie blinked.

"Copycat," Karlie smiled.

"Cat?" Taylor said.

"Meow," Karlie replied.

Taylor smiled and Karlie giggled at her confused expression. She tried to ignore the way her heart was fluttering like a bird in her chest. She tried to ignore the way her skin felt hot wherever taylor brushed against it. She tried to ignore the shape of Taylor's mouth and how blue her eyes were and how soft her hair was. She tried.

She failed.

"You're so beautiful, I've told you that right?" Karlie whispered.

Taylor's eyes closed for a moment, and her mouth curled into a bashful grin. When her eyes opened her pupils had dilated dramatically. Karlie's breath caught in her throat. She could not look away.

when it rains it pours - KAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now