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"Spoon!" Taylor said and knocked on the door to the dishwasher.

Karlie snorted and awoke from her nap at the table. It was getting dark outside, the steady water level looking murky and ominous. She groaned and stared at the time. Eight PM. Not so bad.

"Oh, I'll get him," Karlie said. She closed her laptop and then headed for the dishwasher. She opened it and handed Taylor her spoon.

"Thank you," Taylor smiled. Karlie liked that smile.

"You're welcome," Karlie said. She looked over at her tall window and the measurement lines on her wall. The flood hadn't budged. "One week," Karlie murmured to herself. "Will you be gone in a week?" she asked as she turned to Taylor, who was placing little kisses on her spoon.

"Gone?" Taylor said, "You want me to go?"

"Not really," Karlie grinned, "But I'm scared the flood will leave and you'll get trapped here."

"I am not trapped," Taylor said, matter of factly. Her wings fluttered softly as if to prove the point.

"Okay," Karlie said.


"You'll like Cara," Karlie said on Thursday as she bundled Taylor up in one of her coats. "And pizza, I hope."

"Peeezaaa," Taylor said. "Is pizza pretty cool?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Karlie smiled. She heard Cara's helicopter on the roof. "Let's go."

They hurried onto Karlie's landing deck and Cara waved as she spotted the two appear. Her doors unfolded like a ladybug and this seemed to startle Taylor.

"It's okay," Karlie said, placing her hands on Taylor's shoulders. "We're just going to fly. Like people do, all right? This is how people fly."

Taylor nodded slowly. She touched her nose to Karlie's. Karlie smiled and then led her into the helicopter.

"Hey you two!" Cara yelled over the blades. She handed both girls a headset.

"It's so we can talk and hear each other," Karlie explained as she adjusted Taylor's headpiece.

Taylor let Karlie do this. Cara was given the signal to take off. The helicopter hovered and glided into the air. Taylor stared out the window, unaffected by the height. The water logged city sparkled below them. Some people had boats out and appeared to be fishing. The sun shone down on glinting bait boxes and designer sunglasses.

"So, how's hanging out with Karlie, Taylor?" Cara asked as she piloted the copter.

"I like Karlie," Taylor said simply.

"Is that so," Cara grinned.

Karlie rolled her eyes and elbowed her playfully. They landed at the aerial parking of Cara's apartment complex. A bridge led them across to the actual apartments. Cara's mother was a court judge so she was comfortably living in the penthouse of the building.

"Say hi, Poppy," Cara sighed as she entered the apparent and threw her keys and coat on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Kloss," waved Cara's younger sister Poppy, "And friend." She was sitting upside down on a white leather couch, phone in hand practically pressed to her face.

when it rains it pours - KAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now