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"Pink is so cute on you all the time, Tay. It's not fair," Cara huffed as she greeted the two at the door. "Come on, we'll be starting the fireworks soon!"

Taylor was immediately taken by the glittering fairy lights and colourful streamers. She clapped when given a sparkler to hold outside. Karlie noticed the attention she got when she first stepped outside. A barbecue was grilling away and people were eating but suddenly all eyes were on Taylor.

"She is beautiful," gasped a voice from the crowd. And this was followed by murmurs of agreement. Karlie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hi, I'm Taylor!" said Taylor to a random girl in silver strappy heels and a red sequin dress. She was blonde like Taylor and had a gap between her teeth. Karlie recognised her as Georgia May, one of Cara's British friends. They seemed to be hitting it off so Karlie took some time to breathe and get something to eat.

"Hey," Cara said as she joined Karlie by the barbecue. "I'm glad you made it. I was worried."

"I was too. But I think we're okay," Karlie smiled.

"That's good. If you need to calm her down or anything my spare room is all yours," Cara said.

"Thanks Car. I hope she likes the fireworks. I was told that she should wear headphones for the noise," Karlie hummed.

"I've got some good ones! She can wear 'em," Cara grinned.

"You're a life saver," Karlie sighed.

"Hey bitchesss!" squealed Jourdan, already drunk even though it was ten PM.

"Jourdaaan, the party started before I got here I see," Karlie smirked.

"It's the fucking Fourth of July, of course Jordan is going to get smashed before anyone else," Poppy laughed, joining the group. "How's Tay Tay? She seems much better than earlier."

Karlie nodded, taking a sip from the solo cup of Coke that she didn't remember being shoved into her hands. "We sorted things out."

"So she's living with you now? Now that the flooding is lasting, like, forever?" Poppy asked.

"We don't know how long the flooding is lasting," Cara corrected. "But...yeah, is Taylor your new roommate or..."

Karlie shrugged and sipped again, "It's complicated. She wants to stay but I think she's getting homesick. And I want her to be with me but also let her do her own thing. God, we're such a pair of paradoxes."

"It'll work out," Cara soothed, rubbing Karlie's back. Everyone else copied.

"Woah, we got a moody Mary over here?" asked a muscular, auburn haired man.

"Fuck off, Zander," Poppy said rolling her eyes. The man was a boyish trouble maker but he meant well.

"I'm having girl problems," Karlie grinned, sticking out her tongue.

"Girl problems, ay?" Zander smirked. "Well, I can assure you that tongue of yours ain't one of them."

The girls surrounding Karlie giggled but Poppy wasn't having any of it. She sighed and placed her hands on her hips, "Go harass somebody else you garish horn-dog," she leered.

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