Pile; 2

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A/N: Guys I forgot to say this in the other chapter that Jessica your supervisor will be with you in the summer camp as well, and Kaia Gerber is acting as Jessica in the story :)
After we did everything in the airport it was time for us to wait for our airplane gate to open. So we sat down on chairs and waited.

We were talking about random stuff, until I spotted the same 4 boys that I saw earlier.

I squinted my eyes to focus more on them.

After I took a good look at them, my eyes widen on who I saw...

"Guys, ...Guys,..." I said tapping Ella's shoulder and turning slowly to face them but they were still talking, "Guys!" I said making all of my friends and Jessica to grab my attention.

"What is it y/n?" Ella said with a confused expression on her face.

"Guess who I saw now?!"

"Who" they all said

"I saw Jason and his gang!" (I bet you thought it was Finn, Jack, Wyatt and Jaeden, HA! you've been fooled)

"No way!" Hanna said to me thinking I was kidding

"Yes way!" I replied

"You saw Jason, Alex, Zack and Tyler!" Brooklyn looked at me straight in the eyes, waiting for me to confirm that I saw them.

I pointed at them, they all turned to look and they all started to share glances right after when they saw them.

"Guys, what's going on." Jessica looked at us and chuckling on our surprised faces.

"I hope they are not with us in the camp." Ella said worriedly.

"Is everything ok?!" Jessica said with a completely confused look on her face.

"You see these boys..." Brooklyn said pointing at them to make Jessica know who we were talking about.

"Ya." Jessica said

"So these boys are one of the biggest school jocks and F**kboys, they can be very mean and rude." Brooklyn continued

"oh, what's their names again?" Jessica asked

"Jason, Alex, Zack and Tyler." Ella answered

"Jason is the most decent one out of them, he can be really nice alone but when he's around his friends he can be an asshole." Hanna said

"Aaaaaaannndd..." Ella said looking at me dragging the 'a'. I knew what Ella was going to say, so I was giving her the 'don't you dare say it' look, "Ella don't." I said to Ella because I knew what she was going to tell.
"Someone... here... had a cru-" Ella said still looking at me and teasing me.

Brooklyn and Hanna knew as well what Ella was going to say so they both had that devilish and evil grin on their faces.

"Ella, please don't." I said begging and giving her a death stare, either way Ella just continued, "Someone here had a crush on Jason, and-"
"Ella, no."
"By someooonne.....I meeeaaan.....y/n!" Ella said still staring at me waiting for my reaction and Brooklyn and Hanna were laughing in the background.

I covered my now red, embarrassed face with my hands.

"Oh, really?!" Jessica said chuckling and facing me.

"Ya...I did have a crush on Jason..." I said looking down hiding my face that was red. "But it wasn't for a long time! I'm over him now!" I said rushing my words.

"Ya...yA." Ella said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Why do you use to like Jason at the time?" Jessica asked

"Idk he's nice to me sometimes... and he's kinda cute."

"Not gonna lie but he is kinda cute." Hanna said agreeing to my point

"But obviously not cuter than Wyatt Oleff." Brooklyn said

"Naaahh Jack is cuter!" Ella said shaking her head
"No! Jaeden is cuter!" Hanna shot up

"Nooo! You are all wRoNg Finn is the cutest! What are y'all talkin about." I shot up and said.

We all chuckled and Jessica was giggling on our small ridiculous argument. Jessica knew that we had a crush on the IT boys because on the way to our seats we wouldn't stop talking about them.

We all got tired from talking and laughing so there was a moment of silence; I pulled out my earphones and started to listen to freaking out the neighborhood by Mac Demarco while reading a book. (A.N: You choose which book you want to read)


As I was reading the book a cross of me by 5 rows of seats I saw many boys and girls, especially girls, they were a lot of people that covered who or what they were all piled up at, there were girls screaming, girls crying, girls jumping up and down...

I was really curious to know what's going on there, so I stood up, but as soon as I stood up to walk up there and check on what's going on, the speakers turned on and said: "Gate 3C is now open for flight..." (A.N: idk what they actually say on the speaker so just get on with it)

We all stood up and walked to the gate so we can go to our airplane.

As I was walking towards the gate I was looking at the pile of girls to know if I can just get to see what's going on, but I couldn't they were so close to each other.

A/n: sooo second chapter ayyy! Anyway guys finals are really close as well as my birthday yyyyeeee, so I might not be updating that often but I will try ☺️ sorry guys 💗
Word count: 880

- Unexpected - F.W x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora