Turbulence; 4

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we are going through a series of turbulences, please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated" The pilot said through the speakers.

- Y/N POV -

When the pilot said 'turbulences' my heart beat started beating faster, I got really scared my eyes widened, I looked at my friends who were fasten asleep except Brooklyn she was watching a movie. 

Brooklyn looked at my direction and asked in confusion, "Hey, is everything alright?" I shook my head slowly 'no'. 

"Tell me what's wrong, you're scaring me."

 So me being a scaredy cat, I started to freak out, "There's turbulence! I'm going to die! I'M GONNA FRKN DIE!" 

I was screaming but not too loud so the people wont think I'm crazy or something. 

While I was losing it Brooklyn was having a harsh derisive laughs on how absurd I look. "If I die, I just want to tell you that I love you from all of my heart and so I'm glad that I met you! And tell my mom, dad and my sister that I love them sooo much! And if you meet Finn tell him that I adore him!" I say and start to tear up when I mentioned Finn and my family lol, meanwhile I was saying my 'Last words' Brooklyn was filming me with her phone and laughing so hard.

- Brooklyn POV -

OMG! I can't! I'm dead! y/n looks so ridiculous right now! I was filming her and y/n looked even funnier on camera. 

When she mentioned Finn and her family she started to cry I laughed even harder. I

 tried to pin my nose with my fingers trying to hold my laughter in to not annoy anyone but then air sneaked out of my mouth and made a farting noise, and I started to laugh even harder.

———Time Skip (after turbulence)———

"Fortunate, we went through the grim turbulence and thank the lord everyone is safe, We have about an hour and a half to land in our destination 'British Columbia, Canada' 

- Y/N POV -

After my frivolous break down I cooled off but Brooklyn can't abolish the scene out of her mind.

"Look at yourself!" Brooklyn said handing me her phone and showing me the video of me, I instantly face palmed. 

I looked through the window of Jessica's and I can tell the view was amazing. 

Luckily Jessica was awake so I asked her if she can take a picture through my phone, she said yes. I tried to toss my phone to Jessica as quiet and smooth as possible, "1...2...3" we counted in a hushed tone, "Toss." Jessica told me, I tossed my phone and it was about to hit the lady sitting beside Jessica but thank god it didn't. 

Jessica successfully caught my phone, "Got it!" Jessica said while holding my phone up.

Jessica took the picture and tossed my phone back and I thanked her, I looked at it and the view was incredible. 

I posted it on instagram but obviously it didn't't upload since my phone is on airplane mode, I posted it either way so I won't forget.



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