Chapter 1

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After high school, most people keep in touch with their friends. Quinn Fabray didn't. When she got into Yale, she immediately moved to New Haven and bought a small apartment for herself and her daughter Beth. When Quinn had started high school, she had intended to keep in touch with all of her friends, especially those on her cheerleading team called the Cheerios, and maybe even a few members of the glee club. But she got pregnant sophomore year and after that became known as the schools slut. She got kicked off the Cheerios and was ridiculed constantly even though she rejoined her junior year. She was greeted almost every morning with a slushie in the face by the guys on the football team, and even though her friends from glee club always helped clean it off, she was still embarrassed by them because they were known as the biggest losers in the school. Sure she enjoyed their company, but being around them, especially the groups diva, Rachel Berry, just made her feel worse about herself. So when she started at Yale, she didn't tell anyone about her daughter Beth. She joined their cheerleading team and started getting straight As. She worked two jobs to support herself and her daughter and made sure that she wouldn't let her past get in the way of the person she was reinventing herself to be. Because you can't change your past but you can let go and start your future.
    Every morning, Quinn woke up at 5:30am and drove her four year old daughter Beth down to her moms house. Then if she had enough time, she would stop at Starbucks and buy a coffee before her classes started. Sure the situation wasn't ideal, Beth loved her grandma but Quinn's mom hated having to take care of her. She loved Beth but didn't like the idea of her. Because to Quinn's mom, Beth was just living proof of all the mistakes Quinn had made in high school. After her classes ended, Quinn would pick Beth up from her moms, and normally end up getting lectured on how she needed to start earning some money to pay for a full time babysitter. And Quinn would remind her mom that she already worked two poorly paying jobs just to support Beth and herself. But Quinn's mom didn't care. She knew that if Quinn had given Beth up for adoption like she'd planned, that she wouldn't be working two jobs. Of course she wouldn't tell Quinn this, because she knew Beth was sometimes the only thing that made Quinn happy.
"Beth come on hurry up," Quinn zipped up her jacket and watched Beth slowly pull on her boots.
"Beth come on, we're running late!"
Beth somehow started moving even slower so Quinn gave up and helped her put on her shoes.
"Why are you still in your pajamas?" Quinn asked.
"Because you said to put my boots on," Beth explained and raised her hands in defense.
Quinn sighed and picked up her daughter and ran her out to the car.
"Mommy are we going to grandmas today?" Beth asked from the back seat.
"Where are we going?"
"Remember we talked about this, I got an internship at Methodist hospital over the summer, it's gonna help me become a pediatric nurse," Quinn explained.
"I don't know what that means," Beth said quietly.
"I know you don't sweetie."

AN: this is just a first chapter, it gets better I promise

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