Chapter 19

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"You what?" Quinn practically yelled.
"It was just a blood test, just to see if it was safe," Rachel said.
Quinn began to pace around the room anxiously. "And you didn't think to tell me first?"
Rachel shrugged. "I didn't tell you because you would freak out."
Quinn groaned and pressed her fingers against her temples. "Rachel what do you think you're doing?"
Rachel sighed. "Quinn you know I'm very special and unique in many ways. One of them, being my blood type, just like Beth's, is also AB. So I thought, if I'm eligible, I would like to donate a kidney to her."
"Rachel I knew what your intentions were!" Quinn shouted. "I just want to know why. Why did you do this?"
"So I could help your daughter," Rachel said as if it was obvious.
Quinn tried to calm herself down. "Rachel I don't know if you've noticed but I have terrible luck. This isn't going to work out."
"I don't get why you're so angry," Rachel said.
"Because you're getting everyone's hopes up! There is such a small chance that you'll be a match with Beth, hell I wasn't even a match. So please just don't give me or Beth any false hope that she might get this surgery, because it's such a long shot." Quinn admitted.
Rachel nodded and put her hand on Quinns shoulder reassuringly.
"Maybe this won't work out, but we can try. And that's more then nothing."
Quinn took a deep breath. "Beth is at the bottom of the transplant list Rach," she sighed.
Rachel nodded sympathetically.
"I... I don't know, maybe this'll work but I-- if this does work," Quinn drew in a breath. "Maybe you were right for giving me hope." She said quietly.
Rachel's jaw dropped and she pretended to be shocked. "Did you, Quinn Fabray, just admit that I, Rachel Berry was right, and you were wrong?"
Quinn shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about," She said and laughed lightly.
That Sunday afternoon, Beth stayed in the hospital to be kept under observation. She fell asleep at around six in the afternoon, which was early, but under the circumstances was a good thing. Quinn sat in a brown and blue chair with her legs crossed in her lap.
Rachel sat in the chair next to her. She looked over at Quinn, who was doodling in her notebook.
"Quinn, I was wondering, some time in the future, if it's possible, would you and Beth want to have dinner with my dads?" Rachel asked.
Quinn didn't look up from her book. "In New York?"
Rachel nodded. "Yeah they're visiting for a week next month. And I recently came out as bisexual, and told them I had a girlfriend. Now they want to meet you. Of course I understand if you don't want to or you're unavailable. But it would mean a lot to them, and me of course. If you'd like, you can bring Beth if she feels up to it." Rachel said excitedly, but kept her voice lowered so she wouldn't wake Beth.
Quinn nodded. She stayed silent for a minute. "I'd love to," she said and looked up at Rachel.
"Do your dads know it's me you're dating?" Quinn asked and went back to drawing.
"No, I wanted to wait until I brought you home with me, is that a problem?" Rachel replied.
Quinn shrugged. "No, I guess it depends. Do they know of me?"
Rachel nodded slowly, she was avoiding confrontation. "I may have told them a little bit about you in high school." She said, quieter than normal.
"What did you tell them?" Quinn asked in a deep voice.
"Well, Quinn you have to understand this was almost five years ago. We're different people now, what I told them back then doesn't define who you are now. And I'm sure they don't even remember that stuff, it doesn't matter anymore. Because you've grown, and they'll see you for who you are now, not who you used to be," Rachel rambled, avoiding Quinns question.
    "What did you tell them," she repeated.
Rachel took a deep breath. "We were sixteen," she sighed. "We were writing original songs for sectionals. You told me that I didn't belong in Lima, that I didn't belong in any part of Ohio. I went home and I was devastated, my dad asked me what was wrong, and I told him. Then he asked if it had happened before. And I told him about the slushies in the face you gave me before you joined glee club, and about Finn, how you were desperate to steal him from me," she admitted.
Quinn exhaled and stretched her arms against her legs. "Do you know why I did those things?"
Rachel shook her head. "Why?"
"I told you that you didn't fit in in Lima because yes, I wanted you to leave. But not because I hated you or wanted to be mean. I knew you were to good. You belonged in New York, you still do. I just knew you wouldn't listen to me if I told you nicely. Because I know you and Kurt called me the dumb blonde cheerleader. When I did that, I was just trying to give you a push, without you catching on to the fact that I liked you. As for Finn, I was very... repressed and," Quinn tilted her head downwards and blushed. "And I wanted you for myself, so when I tried to break you and Finn up so I could have you for me."
By the time she finished, Rachel was blushing too. "That really means a lot to me... except the part about you being... ya know."
Quinn nodded and turned even redder.
"Do you think your dads hate me?" Quinn asked quietly.
"No, of course not. They would be crazy to not like you."

AN: thank you guys so so much for 1k reads! I wrote this fic almost a year ago and read it to one of my old friends over FaceTime. She would give me ideas and I would write them. I wrote about what I thought the craziest possible way to bring Quinn and Rachel together was and I really hope you guys are enjoying it. I know this story is very wild so thank you so much for sticking with me!

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