Chapter 11

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"Rachel you need to take me on a date," Quinn said randomly.
    "What does that have to do with you going back to Yale?" Rachel asked.
    Quinn only had two weeks left in New York before she went back to New Haven for her Junior year in college.
    "Everything!" Quinn exclaimed, almost as dramatically as Rachel. "You kissed me first so that means you have to take me on a date."
    "Okay," Rachel said, still not entirely following where Quinn was going with this.
    "Anyways, I'm going to be going back to Yale soon," Quinn started.
    "You don't say," Rachel cut in.
    "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, you have yet to take me on a date. And your time is running out. Soon I'm going to be a million miles away and you're going to be here, depressed, lonesome and lost without me. So before I go, and our love story becomes one like in a romantic movie with a long distance struggle, we need to go on a real date," Quinn explained.
    "Quinn you know New Haven is only two hours away," Rachel said with a smirk.
    "Yeah? Uh huh, so why was it so hard for you to use the metro pass I gave you senior year? Huh Rachel, why's that?" Quinn asked sarcastically.
    Rachel raised her hands in defense. "Okay, I will take you on the best date you've ever been on, just wait I'm going to blow your mind Lucy Quinn Fabray," Rachel said and grinned.
    "Well Rachel Barbra Berry, you have your work cut out for you," Quinn replied and smirked back at Rachel.
    "Well have fun planning, I have to go, I promised I would take Beth to the park today."

    Quinn sat on a bench in Central Park with Beth next to her. It was moments like this with her daughter that she thought about how lucky she was. Sure things hadn't always been easy, but Beth was perfect. Beth was her one perfect thing that even she couldn't mess up. And it was nearly impossible to do something perfectly. Beth was Quinns mini me, except she hadn't made any of the mistakes Quinn had made.
    "Mommy how come you and Rachel were kissing yesterday?" Beth asked.
    It had only been a week since they had confessed their love and officially became girlfriends, but Quinn was surprised Beth had found out about them so soon.
    "Well..." Quinn couldn't be sure what to say. Oh God, Santana was right, she was going to have to explain being a lesbian to her four year old.
    "See Rachel and I, we... ," Quinn began and then stopped. Beth didn't even know about straight kissing and straight relationships, explaining gay ones would be ten times harder.
    "You know how Santana and Brittany love each other?" Quinn asked.
    Beth nodded. "Do all girls love girls and all boys love boys? Because Kurt and Blaine love each other too."
    "Well Beth," Quinn looked at Beth long and hard. All she wanted to know was where Beth was getting these questions from. "I love Rachel, just like Santana loves Brittany."
    Quinn thought for a moment before speaking again. "Beth I want you to know it's okay for you to love whoever."
    "I know that's okay mommy, but why were you kissing Rachel?" Beth asked again.
    Quinn sighed. "Rachel and I love each other because we're gay. Well, being gay doesn't automatically mean I love her, I just love her because I love her. But I mean I am gay so I guess that helps too, and I really couldn't love her at all if I was straight." Quinn rambled.
    "What's gay?" Beth asked.
    Quinn groaned, she'd gotten herself into this now she had to get herself out. "Gay is when a girl loves a girl or a boy loves a boy. Straight is when a girl and boy love each other," Quinn explained.
    Beth nodded and processed the information. "I'm gay," she announced proudly.
    "What?" Quinn exclaimed.
    "Because I love you and Rachel, so I'm gay!" Beth explained as if it was obvious.
    Quinn tried to hide her laughter. "No sweetie you're not gay. I mean maybe you are, but you won't know until you're older. Being gay means you would marry a woman, you love me because I'm your mom, not because you're gay."
    Beth nodded and fiddled with her skirt as she swung her legs off the end of the bench. "Are you going to marry Rachel because you're gay and you love her?" Beth asked, a little to loudly for Quinns liking. She didn't need all of New York City knowing she was gay.
    "Maybe one day," Quinn said wishfully.
    She hadn't even thought about marriage yet. Rachel hadn't even taken her out on a date yet. She didn't want to think about marriage yet, it would scare Rachel away. But now Beth was talking about a wedding and princess dresses and the thoughts were running wild in Quinns mind. Now she was thinking about what dress she would wear and how beautiful Rachel would look in a backless gown. Quinn stop it. She internally scolded herself. They hadn't even gone on their first date, why was Quinn thinking about what flavor their cake was going to be?
    "Beth, Rachel and I aren't getting married," Quinn said, more to herself then Beth. "I mean maybe one day, in a few years, maybe in the springtime. No! I'm not planning a wedding because we haven't even gone on a first date yet. Got it? Good."

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