Chapter 2

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When they eventually arrived in New York, Quinn helped Beth change into real clothes before they got out of the car. She decided that they could stay in a hotel for the night before finding a small overpriced one room apartment. She hoped that she'd brought enough food and snacks to last them a week before she'd have to grocery shop. Worst case scenario she would skip a few meals so that Beth could eat, but that was nothing she hadn't done before.
Because it was their first day in New York, Quinn decided to do something special with Beth. So she brought some food out from the car and walked Beth to Central Park. Well, Quinn walked, Beth got tired after a few blocks so Quinn carried her the rest of the way. She somehow regained all her energy when they got to the park, because she ran around like a mad man trying to chase the pigeons.
"Beth I'm gonna sit down here, don't go to far okay," she sat down on one of the benches and looked around.
The last time she'd been in New York was when she was with her glee club for Nationals. Even though they'd placed twelfth, it didn't matter, because she was so far away from the people who bullied her and was spending time with her friends and people that mattered to her.
Every few minutes Beth would run over to her for a little while and ask for some water or a snack. Quinn would mindlessly give her whatever she asked for, she was to focused on a short girl with long brown hair. The girl didn't notice her staring, or maybe she did but Quinn was so focused on the fact that she looked almost identical to the diva from glee club, Rachel Berry. At least from the side she did.
"Rachel?" Quinn said softly, more to herself than anyone else.
The girl turned around quickly and made eye contact with Quinn.
"Quinn Fabray?" She exclaimed loudly, she hadn't changed.
Quinn wasn't sure if she should deny it, and say her name wasn't Quinn, and that she had been talking to someone else. But it was to late, Rachel was walking towards her.
    "Quinn oh my gosh! What are you doing here? I thought you got into Yale?" Rachel asked, just as loudly.
    If they weren't in a place as over the top and loud as New York City, Quinn was sure heads would be turning.
    "Yeah I did, I'm here for an internship," Quinn said quietly.
    "Where are you staying? Oh we have to have lunch to have lunch together some time! I can't believe it's really you!" Rachel rambled, God she was exactly the same.
    "Wait one second," Rachel turned her head. "Kurt!" She yelled loudly.
    Oh no not another one. Before Quinn could even finish her thought, a pale man with a red sweater came running over.
    "Oh my God Quinn Fabray!" he exclaimed.
    This can't be happening, Quinn said to herself. And as if on cue, Beth ran over to Quinn too.
    "Mommy I got you a flower," she said excitedly and handed Quinn a white dandelion.
    "Thank you," Quinn said stiffly and took the flower.
Rachel and Kurt's gaze shifted from Quinn, to the little blonde girl standing infront of her. Rachels Jaw actually dropped and Kurt elbowed her and she closed her mouth.
"Beth, these are my... friends, Rachel and Kurt," Quinn forced out.
Beth reached for Quinns hand and tried to hide behind her moms legs.
"Hi Beth, I don't know if you remember but I used to help take care of you when you were a baby, you've gotten so big, you look just like your mom." Rachel said with a smile, her voice quieter.
Beth gave a shy smile.
"Quinn it's been so long, I really wish we'd gotten to see each other before now," Rachel said, she seemed genuine but Quinn couldn't be sure. Sure her and Rachel had been kind of friends, but for the better part of two years Quinn had bullied Rachel relentlessly. Through all the bullying, Rachel was still always nice to Quinn for the most part. And when Quinn stopped bullying Rachel, they'd never been close friends, besides a few heart to hearts in the bathroom.
"Yeah, well I've been pretty busy lately," Quinn said, sounding meaner than intended.
"I get that, but you should totally come to dinner with Kurt and I tonight," Rachel smiled brightly at her.
"I don't know, what about Beth?" Quinn asked.
She really didn't want to have dinner with Rachel and Kurt, but she didn't know how to say so without being rude. Quinn didn't have anything against either of them, but she knew if she got too involved with her friends, she would only be setting herself up to get hurt again.
"Oh she can come, our apartment is pretty kid friendly, I can make her mac and cheese or something?" Rachel offered.
"I like mac and cheese!" Beth said excitedly.
Sure. Now she decided to speak.
"Yeah I'll just tell Santana to hide her adult films then the apartment will be safe for her," Kurt joked.
"Santana?" Quinn said nervously. Santana had been Quinns best frenemy in high school, but they hadn't spoken since graduation.
"Yeah, she moved to New York late last year then invited herself to come live with us," Kurt explained.
"She moved out a few months ago when she married Brittany," Rachel continued.
"When she left she took lots of our stuff but somehow 'forgot' all the stuff she couldn't be bothered to through out," Kurt added, using air quotes around forgot.
"I wasn't invited to the wedding," Quinn whispered, to herself more than anyone else.
"She was going to invite you, she really wanted you there, so did Brittany, Santana decided last minute not to invite you because you kind of cut everyone out of your life once you graduated," Rachel explained. "But she really wanted you there Quinn, she really did, she just didn't think you would come. And she said it would hurt Brittany to much if you didn't show up, but I know it really hurt her too."
Quinn started at the ground. She couldn't bear to look Rachel in the eye, she was to guilty.
"I really didn't mean to hurt anyone, I swear, I just-"
"I know." Rachel cut her off.

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