I Know I'm Good For Something, I Just Haven't Found It Yet

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Ricky's POV:

"Hey Blaz." I greeted one of the fertile's that now sat with us after he and Chris had somehow worked out they were mates, let's hope they are right.

"Um, hey Ricky." I seem to have made every single one of the fertile's that reside with us afraid of me. How could you be scared of this cuteness?

Probably most people. Not lying either. It might just be my off putting personality, or the fact that my family is the highest ranking? I guess you could call it, plus we are pretty fearful.

I continue making my way down the long gothic flight of stairs that have the kind where they branch out into two flights on either sides. I guess you could kind of the say the whole house had a gothic look to it. Okay, it's definitely gothic, but that's the way we like it.

"Hey Rick, ready for school?" I look up to see Ryan looking at me with a blank look in his eye. I guess his feelings are the same as mine about school. It sucks, let's be honest here.

"What the fuck do you think?" I stare at him while I grab a glass of the red liquid I love and yearn for, blood. I pull my shitty backpack from the ground and walk out the door. Before I can step over the front steps Chris looks at me laughing.

I raise my eyebrow at him before he speaks to me. "Dude, you only have boxers on." I look down to see my bare feet.

So it would seem. I quickly spin on my heel and rush up towards my large room and chuck clothes everywhere searching for my black jeans and HIM shirt, after finding them, I place a beanie over my blonde roots - I need to get my hair re-dyed - to tame my unruly hair. I then proceed to the bathroom to put on my pale foundation and dark purple eyeshadow. I then finish off the makeup with thick lines of eyeliner on my waterline.

"Okay, let's keep moving, we don't need to wait and bleed." I chuckle at my joke, however no one else seems to get my jokes and Slipknot references except Angelo. But Angelo moved away after the last mating ceremony. He didn't say one word to me, but rather left a small post-it note with three words on it, Sorry buddy, Angelo. That was the last time I ever heard from him. TJ and I began to grow closer since Ang left, he used to be a part of our special family or 'coven', I guess you could say. He now belongs in the family called Escape The Fate, really nice guys too, after TJ found the boys, we didn't really keep in contact, but now we are back in contact and are best friends once again.

Once we make it into the school, we immediately go our separate ways and I walk off to my locker which is situated next to TJ's. Once I close my locker someone jumps onto my back.

"Hey Rickdick!" I spin around to look at TJ and end up falling to the floor with TJ crushing me. TJ is now straddling my lower back and laughing his head off while I am laying on my stomach, flailing, looking like I'm trying to make a face down snow angel.

"Dude! Best thing I've seen all day!" TJ rolls off of me and stands , helping me up still clutching his stomach. I laugh with him and pick up my book bag from the floor and help TJ back onto my back.

"Sup bitch?" TJ jokes to everyone as I drop him off to where Escape The Fate hangs out. I hang with them for a little while, catching up and such before I head over to the boys past the guys bathroom that is straight smack bang as you enter the school.

I walk over to the bathroom door and was about to open it, but I heard soft whimpers and moans coming from within, I brush it off as some horny couple and continue to walk over to where I usually stand, on the other side of the hallway with the rest of the guys.

"She fondled you? Like as in a little tickle or as if she was plucking grapes?" I don't even want to know what i just walked in to.

"Uh guys? What did I just walk in to?" They look at my wide eyes and laughed. They all shake their heads and look at Balz for an answer, Chris however, didn't look pleased.

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