A Single Moment Of Sincerity

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“Okay! Can I have all fertile’s head to the line up to get your names marked off please!” One of the nicer human teachers shouted. She had a large clipboard in her hands and a walkie talkie in her back pocket. All of us were required to be in alphabetical order, so I would be sitting somewhere at the back, meaning if I do find my soulmate, I have a longer walk then everybody else.

“Devin Sola! Raise your hand please!” I raise my hand slightly above the crowd and place it down once she marks my name. Someone taps me on the back and I see Balz and Brandon smiling eagerly at me.

“Hey Devin! Are you ready for the ceremony?” Brandon purses his lips slightly trying to fight the smile on his face.

“N-no, I can’t do this, I’m lonesome, n-no one would w-want more e-emotional trouble in their lives.” One of them makes a sound that sounds something along the lines of an ah or an oh, something like that.

“Hey Devin, your last name’s Sola, so we’d sit next to each other yay!” Brandon moves to stand in front of me in the line before speaking again.

“Apparently, we get manhandled by some large guard guys that practically drag us out the back to our mates!” He squeals with excitement evident in his voice.
“You’re excited about all of this?”

“Yes! We finally get to meet the one we spend the rest of our lives with. Don’t you see? Devin this is our fate! It’s destiny!” The line begins to move forward as soft classical Mozart begins to play inducting us into the auditorium. As I peer inside of the room, I notice all the decorations we made didn’t end up going up. Once I peer deeper into the room, I notice large, testosterone filled dominants, pumped with too much steroids stare lustfully at all of us, one of them in particular, stare at me with a weird look in his eyes. I tug at Brandon’s sleeve and bring his attention to the tall guy.

“Don’t worry Devin, he won’t get you as a mate.” I nod slightly and sit down in the seat with my initials on it.

“Okay, welcome to the annual mating ceremony,” the announcer begins, “today, we gather to celebrate the bond between your mate and your soul. The person whom you are chosen with today, has been chosen by the gods.” I continue to not listen until the cauldron is bought out, and, like I said before, it was smoking green.

“Here we have our mystical selection cup, it will now pick out your mates. In no particular order…” The lady begins to speak the names popping out of the cauldron.
“Let’s see Joshua Balz and Chris Cerulli!” Balz practically jumps out of his seat before the guards can grab him and goes bounding down the walkway to the eager arms of Chris before they walk out the back exit.

“Brandon Richter and Ryan Sitkowski.” The man handler comes over to grab Brandon’s arm and drags him roughly down the path. The same testosterone filled male is still sitting in the room making me wonder ‘what if?’ I myself, and only ten or so other people that are fertile’s now sit in this section, making my decision for tonight easier to go through with if I don’t have a mate.

“Last but not least, Devin Sola and Richard Allen Olson the third.” I swear my heart thumps out of my chest and my feet automatically walk as the guard pulls me out of the plastic chair.

“Hurry the fuck up, don’t want to keep your master waiting on you now would we?” His coffee breath makes me want to plug my nose, I don’t know who this ‘Richard’ person is, for all I know is that he could be the sick fuck staring at me before, god knows how I am going to be treated.

“Here you go sir, he’s all yours.” So they get the special treatment? Are you for fucking real? We are the ones that supply children not them. Well actually they supply the first part of the process, but you get the point, no need for details.

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