Season 2 Chapter 5: Vernon

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~A few days later~

(5:23 AM)

I wake up earlier then usual for some unknown reason.

Which is very odd for me.

But what was even more odd was the fact that I felt like going for a jog.

I look to the right of me and see Yoongi sound asleep with his arm around my waist.

I just gotta carefully remove his arm..

And done.

I slowly stand up from the bed and walk over to the closet.

After throwing on some comfy clothes, I grab my phone and make my way out of our room and quietly close the door.

~At the park~

Why did I decide to do this?

I stop and try to catch my breath.

I pull out my phone and look at the time.

6:36 AM.

I've been out here for over an hour.

And Yoomi is going to wake up soon for school.

I should head back.

I put my phone back into my pocket and quickly turn around.

Then next thing I knew I felt something hit me hard and I fell on the ground.

??: Oh my gosh. I am so sorry!

I look up and see a young boy who looked about the same age as Yoomi.

Y/N: Its okay.

??: It's my fault. I should have been looking where I was going. Here let me help you.

Before I could say anything the boy takes my hand and pulls me up.

Y/N: Thanks.

??: Once again I am so sorry.

He bows his head in apology.

Y/N: It's really Okay.

He picks up his head and smiles.

I was about to ask him what his name was but my phone interrupted me.

I take it out of my pocket and see that Yoongi was calling me.

I quickly answer it.

Y/N: Hello?

Yoongi: Where are you?

Y/N: I was just on my way back right now.

I look at the boy and mouth "I have to go".

He nods his head and I turn around and start walking home.


I walk into the house and quietly close the door.

I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower because I stink of sweat.

After about fifteen minutes I wrap a towel around my body and make my way to my bedroom.

Once I get in the room I noticed that Yoongi wasn't on the bed anymore.

Maybe he's downstairs?

I walk to the closet and open the door.

While I was looking for something to wear I felt hands wrap around my waist.

Yoongi: You took a shower without me?

I turn around and face him.

Y/N: You were in bed.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Min Yoongi) ~BEING EDITED~Where stories live. Discover now