Y/Ns Q&A

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~On an airplane~

Brittni: Oh hello my lovelies! So I've decided to fly all the way to Florida and have Y/N answer all of your questions!


Y/N: B-Brittni? What are you doing here?

Brittni: I came to get you to answer some of the readers questions.

Y/N: Oh okay.

Brittni: So shall we get started?

Y/N: We shall.

Y/Ns Q&A:

AllyMints Q: What will she choose..be with Yoongi again or divorce with him? If she chooses when will they divorce? If she chooses be with Yoongi again , when, why and how?

Y/Ns A: I'm honestly not sure what I will pick.. If we do get divorced I'm not sure when. It would have to be soon though. But if I choose to be with him again it will have to take time. I need time to heal from what happened. And how? Well it just depends on that moment I guess.

BunBunSugaKookies    Q: Would you scare Yoongi saying that you won't give him a chance? I would to be honest.

Y/Ns A: Hmmm. That's a good idea. I'll keep that in mind.

_duhItsashley_   Q: Now that you had that dream what will you do about it? Do you miss him? I know you hate him, but you guys love each other. You have to do something because he is suffering, and you know you don't want that.

Y/Ns A: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. And I miss him more than anything. And you're right, I don't want that. Do you have any suggestions on what I should do?

c0t0ntail Q: Has Y/N ever liked someone else or had feelings for someone other than Yoongi?

Y/Ns A: Not really. I mean I might have thought that other people were cute but never really had feelings.

jiwoo1004     Q: Would you ever find to forgive Yoongi for what he did? Also can you be sassy when you see Yoongi again and sashay away? Thanks boo!

Y/Ns A: I feel like I could forgive him but it would really take some time. And I will definitely try to be more sassy. After all he deserves at least that. Right?

  sugakookie_345      Q: Dude seriously I get it. You hate him rn. But not only should you not do this to yourself and your daughter but think about how Yoongi is feeling rn. Do you really think he meant to hurt you on purpose??? Like breh let him say what he needs to say.

Y/Ns A: I know he is hurting and I honestly don't think he did do it on purpose. But it's the fact that he still did. And I plan on hearing him out but.. I just need time first. Ya know?

    Zennylovinstories       Q: Will you find someone else and shove it in Yoongis face and ass and make him cry over your beautiful self?? He will get on his knees and beg. He needs to make it up to you.

Y/Ns A: First of all Thank you for the compliment. And as fun as that sounds I could never bring myself to hurt him like that. And he does need to make it up to me. Seeing him beg would be great. I mean I'm always the one on my knees and-... ha..ha..ha.. N-next question!

DianalittlecupcakeHe          Q: We still know u like Yoongi but THAT BITCH makes me so mad I want to get out my phone and go slap him for having sex with slut girl..... But anywho just follow my lead and say bitches can't do nuthing BITCH say that so it will stick to ur head and say it to Yoongi the bitch! Mk thx bye and remember to say it out loud k thk goodbye!!!

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