When We First Met

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When we met
I never would have guessed what we would become.
You made brownies for my birthday
Although we barely spoke prior.
We became partners for everything in pe class
Because we only had each other.

You stopped talking to me.
And I realized how important you are.
How your smile can make my day
And your eyes could make me melt.
I was sad for a while.
Until I decided that I need you.

That's when things became amazing.
I gave up my friendship with someone for you.
He wasn't nice anyways.
We became so close.
That's when we held hands for the first time
And I fell in love with your touch

We went to a dance together.
Your date wasn't that great so I took you away and we laughed all night.
I made brownies for your birthday 2 days later.
Just as you had done for me.
We got matching shirts
And wore them often.
You started to call me your girlfriend
it stuck for so long.
We would hold hands
Kiss each other's cheeks
Smile when there was nothing to smile about
Dance for no reason
Laugh even when the joke wasn't funny.
I fell in love with you.
Everything about you made my heart race.

But then,
You loved other people.
You didn't smile at me the same
Or hold my hand
Because you were embarrassed of me.
I turned sad again.
I was sad because I knew you have loved me once before
But not anymore.
You forgot about everything we had been through
To be together.

I can't sleep
Because I know
That your little promise 5 months ago
Was a lie.
You forgot about me.
And I don't know what to do now.
Without the one person that made life worth while.
Because you are gone.

Everything has always been for you.

Thank you.
For those nights where I learned love does exist,
When I felt like the happiest girl alive,
For being there for me when I needed it the most,
Encouraging me to be the best me I could be,
Holding my hand,
For giving me advice,
And especially for giving me hope.

I would have never expected any of this
When we first met.

So, who knows when I will meet the next person who changes my life forever.
And maybe they will stay.
I will always remember those days when everything seemed perfect.

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