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It feels like blood flowing into my lungs
I can't breathe beneath the pressure
I can't see behind the blurred vision
Everything is turning dark and sparkling
I'm losing consciousness
My friends are about to call 911
I say no because I don't want to disappoint
My parents
Eventually I catch my breath
But then
I'm staring at the stars
And I hallucinate.
I hear her voice in my head
We're listening to chasing cars, oh god, how I hate that song.
I'm so scared
What if she hurts me again?
I panic
It feels like the asthma attack again but now
I'm scared, not because I feel like dying
I'm scared because I don't want to live.
Everything is closing in and I can only see the stars
I try reaching them
I just want to the stars
I just want the stars
I just want the stars

poisonous chocolate milk Where stories live. Discover now