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"Happy birthday dear Kookie, happy birthday to you~"

Taehyung sang, his voice waking up the other from his sleep

He sat the round cake atop of the small table on the bed with his smile bright and wide as always

The younger grinned back and looked at the cake, it was a beautifully designed chocolate cake with the white chocolate syrup dribbling down the side, to top it all off was two candles indicating '10', representing his age this year

Jungkook's mouth watered from the sight, it looked delicious. He looked at his hyung with his eyes and motioned at the cake

"Thank you TaeTae hyung~"

He stayed silent and stared at the two cute 1 and 0 candles that stood there "Hyung, why do you never let 'make a wish' on my birthday?"

He wasn't really sad or offended, he just wanted to know why, every year Tae would either bring cake or make him his favorite meals, and every time, the little string candles usually have would be cut off

"Because you don't need to wish for anything kookie, hyungie can always give it to you"

Jungkook nodded and said nothing against it and took knife and fork from the side of the plate. He was about to make a slice before another hand stopped him

"Now now kookie, let me do it, we don't want you getting hurt on your birthday now do we?"

He took it gently from his small hands and angled the blade to get a nice cut, though halfway, he felt a rush of adrenaline suddenly come up, his grip on the handle strengthening as his heart started pounding

What if the cake was one of his bullies

What if I stabbed one of them

Will it be this fun?

Would it be better than what I did to Jungkook's other bully group 5 years ago?

Thoughts swarmed his head. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with an eyebrow quircked "are you okay hyung?"

He snapped out of his trance and shook his head, proceeding to finally cut into the cake

The inside was also filled with chocolate syrup, so it started flooding down onto the plate it was on whilst decorating the knife

He stared intently at how it trickled down and bled throughout the white plate, the dark brown tainting and splattering around it

He did the same slice at the other side but much more slower, imagining how smooth of a cut it would be to slice through someone else's skin with his favorite knife

When the piece of cake was cut, he scooped it from underneath and placed it on a small plate he brought as well

Jungkook jumped slightly in glee and took a fork from the side of his plate, using the side to get a piece and taking it into his mouth

The wave of flavor was amazing and made his tongue tingle with more want to eat. It was a very nice and delicate chocolate flavor but wasn't too sweet and strong, the milk chocolate balancing it out whilst the syrup inside just made it pop more

"It's so good! Where did you buy this?"

"I made it silly~"

The younger's eyes sparkled and his mouth widened, his cute bunny teeth out in the open for everyone to see

"Hyung is so talented! What can you not do?"

Taehyung shook his head and chuckled, ruffling the younger's hair and pinching his cheeks "I'm flattered, now go on and enjoy the rest of the cake"

Taehyung shook his head and chuckled, ruffling the younger's hair and pinching his cheeks "I'm flattered, now go on and enjoy the rest of the cake"

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