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He slowly felt regret build up when he stepped foot in the cafeteria, it's been awhile since he's been here, he'd usually eat outside the library and go in and read once he's done, but now that he's here, it feel so different from the quiet atmosphere

The rowdy groups of kids his age were separated to the right side and the twelve to thirteen year olds sat at the left side, a little more tame but still notheless troublemakers, he sometimes wonders how the school is still holding up with how these kids act

He scanned the area and looked around for a group that he'd be comfortable with, more quite and chill, not the loud obnoxious types nor the fully extroverted ones, just right for his ambivert attitude

He managed to see two people sitting at a table near the corner of the cafeteria and they seemed rather mellow compared to everyone else, so he took a deep breath and proceeded to walk

But since the table was all the way to the back, he had to walk through the whole room filled with people that hated him to the core. And as expected, others had already noticed him and started throwing insults and nicknames his direction

A combination of 'fag' and 'idiot' were yelled at him accompanied by laughter from other kids 'don't look and keep walking' He said to himself

He dreaded the fact the place was so huge, it made his work even worse. Some kids even decided to follow behind him and continue shaming him for his sexuality, he could only put his head down and allow his bangs to cover his eyes to give some sense of protection

Usually taehyung would be here right now, rubbing his back and hugging him, maybe even beat them up again. He looked down at his hand that was in his pocket as he slowly pulled it out, holding the same pencil Tae had used to stab the janitor that one time when he didn't let Jungkook in the hallway for being late and the same pencil he used to stab other teachers that gave him a bad grade

He wondered why the school never said anything about the deaths and covered it with them 'leaving', then he remembered, he's only 10

Some smudges of red were still left behind in the creases of the wood. He felt his heart thump suddenly and the hairs on his body had stood up, he clutched the pencil as thoughts swarmed his head whilst his body starting to shake a bit

He felt really weird and odd but it somehow reminded him of his hyung, the way he'd stab the students or teachers, that one time he killed a kid from another school by putting his head in a locker and closing it hard enough to cut through him and let him suffocate

He didn't experience it himself since he watched from the sidelines but he still could only think of Taehyung when he felt this wave of emotion gush inside of him

He turned the pencil and made the tip point to the back, but as he was about to turn around and do whatever his body wanted to do, he snapped out of it and remembered his main goal

He shook his head and gave the pencil one last look before placing it in his pocket again, this time speed running to the two in order to forget the weird emotions he felt earlier, it was just so odd because it reminded him of the brunette. But while he was walking he remembered, he was sure his pockets were empty when he left



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