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His eyes opened slowly and his vision was still the same as earlier, pure black and nothing else. He couldn't move his hands and yet nothing was strapped onto him, his whole body felt tired and his sides hurt as he tried to keep looking around for an answer but nothing was seen

He heard a small click resonate and echo through the walls and bounce back into his hears, the door opening and closing just as fast. Heavy footsteps hit here and there, and he felt the pressure slowly come near him

His heart began to race and he started to hyperventilate, he looked up and saw the brunette, a smile played on his lips as he dragged his bloody finger across the other's face

Jungkook only looked up at him from where he was kneeling, he felt his knees begin to feel tingly from how long he stayed in that position as a harsh sting started spreading on his face as Taehyung slapped him

He did it again, threw his fist at his jaw and kicked his head to the ground. Intertwining his fingertips at the younger's hair as he jammed Jungkook's head on the ground over and over again

The raven haired felt his skull practically break open with the intense feeling of it cracking, blood starting to spread all over the floor with a bright red he could see in the dark, and he knew all of it was his

The hot liquid slid down his face and choked on some that gushes out his mouth yet he didn't feel like his heart was stopping at any moment

He could feel it beat in his chest, reminding him he was still alive even after everything. Taehyung pulled his head to make him look up and he saw a mirror standing over them and reflecting the horrid scene for full display to his eyes, a massive hole on his forehead that kept spilling red that flowed down his face with wide eyes

his face seemed more defined and his hair grew a little longer, and taehyung was behind him- straddling his back with a wicked grin. They looked older, way older than Jungkook last remembered

As his mind tried to process everything going on he was thrown right across the room as he saw the older dissappear into the darkness, but the same footsteps started to sound as a 12 year old taehyung came out, clean with a blank face

He held up the notebook he'd always write in and opened up a page filled with something that looked written quickly, smudges of ink around the page and the obvious dent of the paper from how hard he wrote in it. Jungkook couldn't read it aside from one word, 'Break' before taehyung closed the book and let out an ear piercing scream

Jungkook covered his ears and saw him walk towards him, the closer he got the more he aged up, and when he was now looking down at the younger he was back at the age Jungkook saw earlier at the mirror, head twitching and eyes watering

He didn't look normal. Not one bit


Imaginary Friend - VkookWhere stories live. Discover now