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What was happening to himself?

His mind is just flooded with him, that same male. His face, it just wouldn't go away, It's practically embroidered into his mind

His whole body shook in ecstasy from the mere though though of him

His heart beat so much, to the point it hurt

'What is Jungkook doing to me?'
'...what was happening?'

Thoughts like that swam in his head, he tried his best blocking out those damned voices that kept tempting him, but they were just so good at persuading that he couldn't help but be intrigued and listen to what it had to say

The more he did, the more he was convinced, the more he was convinced

'This is wrong, what am I doing, this isn't right-'

Oh quiet Taehyung-si, just trust me, Jungkook will love it, love you. If you do as I told you, everything will be alright and you'll get your man forever

He stared down at the small pocket knife he held in his hands, a palm placed over his mouth as he tried to quiet down his hyperventilation, the bathroom did echo a lot so he scooted more into the corner next to the bathtub

It's a simple thing, he wouldn't mind, he loves you after all, right?

Loves me...

Yes, that's right

Loves me, Jungkook loves me

You're getting it now

"He loves me, he really does, he loves his hyung, and he forever will love him"

He smiled brightly whilst bight into his knuckles to keep his voice down, but his breathing kept quickening as he felt excitement build up, his eyes watering from it as tears of joy slid down his cheeks

His smile was so big and eerie and and his eyes were so wide open, his figure shook in the corner before he finally stood up, one of his hands having to support him with the wall because of how jelly like his legs felt

His whole word was spinning and his body went with it, his eyes starting to hurt from the light as he tried to squint it away, he felt so sick

He dragged himself out the bathroom and managed to get out, luckily he was able to pass through walls by will, if not he would be stuck there for at least six more minutes

He was close to his destination but his legs gave out halfway and he ended up falling onto his stomach in the dark corridor of the house, but he didn't want to stop now, so he used his knife and embedded it into the wooden floor, using it as a support to pull him whilst his other hand pushed himself forward

His throat already starting to feel dry from his ragged breathing but his expression didn't falter, even became more creepy too. He felt his arms start to hurt but he took in the pain and screamed in agony as he continued to push his tired body to its limits, smile still there and eyes still wide and watering

He reached the door and crawled into the room, he then slowly crept next to the bed and got on top of it, removing the covers gently to reveal the male he was looking for

When he saw that face his smile grew wider, his heart thumping in his chest. 'I'm actually gonna do this' he thought to himself

He straddled the said person and retracted the knife "I'm sorry kookie..." He whispered and finally plunged it straight into the male's chest

The sudden splash of blood on his face and body, accompanied by the feeling of the knife puncturing the raven haired, he couldn't help but want to do it again

So he did, for ten minutes straight.



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