Chapter 1: Two For the Price of One

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I stood on my balcony, the gentle breeze flowing through my raven hair. It was quite cold out but I didn't mind. I stood there processing the last couple hours as I watched the sun set over the castle walls. The walls that I have never once stepped foot outside. When my parents told me that the day after my birthday I was going to be sent to a neighboring empire to be married to a prince I thought they were kidding. I thought they were playing some sick twisted joke on me, but unfortunately they weren't.  I've never once had a boyfriend or anything close to it and in 2 days I was going to meet my husband. It was all so surreal. I hung my head down and felt as tears tricked down my cheeks, not even bothering to wipe them away. The sun had set and I was slowly engulfed in darkness. I was terrified. And I only had 48 more hours until my life changed forever.

I awoke the next morning to a gentle breeze tickling my bare toes. Confused, I sat up only to see my balcony doors wide open, my curtains gently swaying as the cool air filtered into my room. Now that I think of it, I don't recall getting into bed last night. Or falling asleep for that matter. I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and push back the thick silk sheets from my legs. I stand up, making my way towards my beautiful marble bathroom. I turn on the shower and adjust the handle to just the right temperature so that I don't burn myself. Stripping away my silk night gown, I step into my shower. Then once again it hits me. The realization that I only have 1 more day until I turn 18. 2 more days until I meet my husband. The thought slipped my head and to be honest I probably would've forgotten completely. As warm water cascades down my back, I can feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes. But I refuse, I refuse to cry anymore. I know I am not weak so I'm not going to act as if I am. I need to be strong for my family, for the empire, for my future husband, but most importantly for myself. I pull myself together, finish my shower and step out into the cold air that circulated through my room. I wrap my body in a thick white towel and quickly dress myself, throwing my hair up into a messy bun. Not even bothering to look into a mirror before reaching the door and leaving my room.

As I arrive in the dining hall, I can't help but notice all the servants buzzing around in a frantic hurry. I must've had a puzzled look on my face, because in that moment my mother spoke to me. I hadn't even known she was there.
"I forgot to tell you darling! We're throwing a magnificent masquerade ball as celebration for your 18th birthday. Many important people from the 3 other empires will be attending, not to mention your possible future husband."

This caught my attention.
"Wait what?! You're throwing me a ball and inviting the man I'm going to marry? Why would you do such a thing?" I was furious and most certainly did not want this to happen.

"Well of course I'm inviting them darling, it would be rude of me not too. Plus it's a masquerade ball so you won't even recognize who they are sweetie."

Did I hear her correctly?
"Why are you saying them and they?"

My mother looked at me with an amused look on her face.
"Darling, there are two princes. They're brothers, and they'll compete against one another to gain your affection. Whoever you fall in love with will be who you marry."

I was completely and utterly shocked.
"What if I don't fall in love with one of them." I spoke quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You don't really have a choice." She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. Two princes would be competing for my hand in marriage. And it's completely possible that I could meet one of them tomorrow, or both. I only had 24 more hours.

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