Chapter 10: Surprises

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Rowan's POV

And then she's gone. One second she's sitting on the bed, hair tousled and lips parted in a surprised expression. Surprised at what just went down between us. Then the next thing I know is she's running out the door before I can even move a muscle. I stand in shock, my thoughts racing a mile a minute. I know she must still be mad at me for what I did, but I couldn't help but to think that maybe she'll forgive me soon.
Azalea's POV

Fuck. I race out of that room as fast as I possibly can. Having gathered some sense of direction around the castle, I sprint towards what I believe is the direction of my room. My mind can't stop racing. Being with Rowan is so exhilarating. My heart is beating fast and I'm fueled by pure adrenaline. He gives me such a rush. But I know being with him is dangerous, too explosive. I turn a sharp corner and slam into something hard, flying backwards and onto the ground.

"Ow that fucking hurt." I groan in pain, rubbing where my face was hit.

"Watch you're language princess."
I look up and into the beautiful green eyes I've come to love. Lucas extends his hand out to me, helping me to my feet.

"Are you okay Azalea? Why were you sprinting through the halls?" Lucas questions.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. And I.. umm... was just... well it's a long story." I stutter out, cringing at how dumb I sound.

"Well as long as you're okay I guess." Lucas shrugs it off, seemingly accepting my half-ass answer. My hearts aches a little for having to lie to Lucas, but I knew I couldn't tell him what had just been happening with his brother and I.

"Would you like to accompany me into the village? I realized today you've never been and I'd like to show you what our kingdom has to offer." Lucas smiled brightly.

"That sounds lovely."

"Wonderful!", Lucas exclaimed, "I'll have the carriage prepared and ready in 30 minutes. In the meantime you should go change and then meet me at the front of the castle, okay?"

"Okay Lucas, I'll see you in a little!" I wave back at him as I walk towards my room.

By the time I'm done and ready 30 minutes has almost passed. I leave my room, closing the door behind me and head towards Lucas. When I arrive I notice Lucas has changed as well. He now wears a white long sleeve dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbow, black slacks and crisp black dress shoes. His hair has flopped slightly into his face in a lazy, sexy kind of way.
My face begins to heat up in a blush as I look at the dashingly, handsome man in front of me. Lucas seems to notice because he flashes me a bright, toothy smile. I return the smile back as he extends out a hand.

"Shall we?"

OKAY I KNOW I KNOW!! IM ALIVE!!First of all, I'm sorry it's a short chapter. I just needed to get something out to get the story rolling again. Second of all, I'm sorry it took me so long to put out another chapter. I had TERRIBLE writers block for the longest time and eventually my schedule became too busy. BUT IM BACK! The next chapter will be much longer I promise <3 ! Tell me who you like more, Rowan or Lucas!!!

xoxo Madhi 💛💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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