The Eyes From The Back Of The Bar

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Yay! Some people actually read my dumb storyyyyyyy! Thank you so much <3 I hope you all enjoy chapter two! Have an A1 day!


After we'd finished our dinner my father drove us home. I walked inside and put my book bag down on the floor. My father walked in after me. closing the door and locking it. He smiled and bid me goodnight, then went directly to bed. I quietly opened the fridge to get a 'snack' before bed. Yeah I know, I had just ate a whole fucking steak with sweet potatoes and a shit ton of ice cream but I'm a growing girl. I looked through the fridge and saw that there was absolutely nothing but ketchup and some carrots. I grumbled to myself and turned to the front door, remembering there was a 24/7 corner store a mile away. I was really craving some Cheetos. I walked slowly crept to the door and put my hand on the knob. A sick feeling washed over me, something in my gut was telling me to forget the snacks and just go to bed. I huffed "Whats life without a little adventure in it?" I asked myself. A moment or two later I finally unlocked the door and opened it. Stepping out and closing the door behind me.

I walked alone in the dark, my god it was so cold. The tall trees surrounded me, I could feel it start to rain again. It didn't help that I was out there wearing a white tank top and some shorts. I was sure to catch the eyes of some creep, I walked faster as I saw the lights from the store come closer to me. I finally reached the parking lot. I saw two women in front smoking, they both wore bright red lipstick that stained their cigarettes. They starred me up and down and laughed "nice red bra" one said. I looked at myself in the window seeing that the rain had soaked through my shirt exposing my bra. The two women laughed, I furrowed my brow "At least I'm wearing one saggy tits" I replied. "Excuse me?" the other said "What do you think you're doing talking to my wife like that?!". Shit, I've gone and pissed off some lesbians. I felt a warm feeling of fabric touch my shoulders. "Sorry bout that Ava, my parents didn't mean any harm" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to see the emo fuck from before.

"You know this girl son?" asked the same women who commented on my bra. Jacob nodded "Yeah, shes new in town" he replied. The two women looked me up and down again until one leaned in my face "I'll let you off with a warning since you're my sons friend, but say something slick again and I'll kill you". She grabbed my hand, putting out her cigarette on the back of it. I winced in pain and pulled my hand away. Jacob held me back before I could do anything, they both smiled and walked away. I clinched my teeth and back slapped Jacob. "What the fuck was that?" I screamed in his face, he rubbed his cheek and smiled. "Oh yes baby you know I like it rough" he replied, my face turned red in anger "I'll fucking kick your teeth in!" I warned. He only laughed and ruffled my hair, I slapped his hand away "Don't fucking touch me" I yelled. "Ohhh nooo whats the little ol red head gonna do" he mocked.

"Hey" said another voice, I turned to see another girl about my age. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She wore camo sweatpants and a dark red crop top. She walked toward Jacob and shoved him away "She said don't touch her" the girl said. Jacob rubbed the back of his head "Yeah yeah, fine I'll stop Ms. White Knight". The girl furrowed her brows and took a step forward, she looked like she was about ready to kill this dude. He jumped back and put his hands up in defeat "Okay okay! I'll stop" he said, she sighed and turned to look at me. "What are you doing out here so late?" she asked. I starred at her, something about her made me relived yet annoyed. "I came to get me a fucking snack, got a problem with that?" I snapped at her. "You shouldn't be out here alone dipshit. Didn't you hear about the killer on the lose?" she said in a calming tone. I went quiet

Killer on the lose? Since when?

I rolled my eyes "No killer is gonna get me, its probably some fantasy story kids on the block had made" I said. She look at me with an angry face "No its true!" she snapped, Jacob put a hand on her shoulder "Sorry Ava, Morgans still kind of shaken up. Her boyfriend passed a few weeks back..." his voice trailed off "He was murdered by a local serial killer..." Morgan said as she hung her head. Jacob sighed and wrapped his arm around her "We were just heading off to a party. You wanna come?" he asked. I looked at Morgan then back at him "I don't know" I said "I kind've snuck out've the house for some Cheetos". He smiled at me "There will be free Cheetos there". I contemplated the thought for a minute, I guess this would be a good time to meet some cool people. "Sure why not" I replied without thinking. Morgan rubbed her eyes a little and stood back up "Then lets get going pussies" she said, walking to an old beat up muscle car. She grabbed keys out've her pocket and unlocked the doors. Jacob ran to the car "I call shotgun!" he said, I rolled my eyes at his childish actions and walked to the side of the car and got in the back.


After twenty minutes we finally arrived to a run down bar with a whole bunch of drunken teenagers yelling in the parking lot. Morgan parked the car in the back and walked out, Jacob and I followed her into the back entrance "I cant wait to get D R U N K" said Jacob. I laughed a little and wrapped his jacket around me. Morgan knocked on the door and soon after a large man with a long beard opened the door "Welcome wee lass!" he said, hugging Morgan tightly, she hugged him back tightly "Hey.." she smiled weakly. They pulled out've the embrace and the man starred at me and Jacob "You brought friends!" he smiled. He reminded me of my father, he had a thick Irish accent. Jacob waved "Hey I'm Jacob". The man smiled and shook Jacobs hand then turned to me "And whats your name girly?". I gave a small smile "Um.. My names Ava" I said. His eyes widen "O'Neill??" he asked in surprise. I starred at him and nodded a little.

Who was he? How'd he know my last name?

"You know her Papa?" asked Morgan, he nodded quickly and hugged me as tight as he could "You're my brothers little girl! I met you when ye were about this big!" he said, pulling away and putting his hand at his lower calf. "What're you doing here?!" he asked "Me and my father just moved here" I replied. I smiled wider, I cant believe I'm meeting my uncle in a place like this. "I wished I would've known you had moved here sooner! I would've thrown ye a party!" he smiled. "Oh shoot you all are here to party! Come on in!" he said opening the door for us. We walked into the kitchen, there was a few greasy men frying in the back. I followed Morgan and Jacob as they walked into the front of the bar. Everything was dimly lighted and the bar stools looked like they were about to fall apart. The bar was filled with older men, sitting around a big flat screen watching some sorta porno. I was never really into porn, it made me cringe to see others get off. This 'party' was definitely not what I was expecting...

We all sat at a booth in the corner, I sat in between Morgan and Jacob, who were engaged in a conversation about the porno that was playing in the background. I starred at the table, the smell of alcohol and smoke filled my nostrils. I felt a little out've my element, part of me wanted to go home. I felt uneasy, like all eyes were on me. I grabbed a jar of different sugar packets in the middle of the table and dragged them over to me. I separated them by colors to keep my mind busy from the feeling in my gut. "Hey do you see that guy over there" Jacob whispered in my ear, I pulled my head up "Huh?" I asked, thinking I had just misheard him. He pointed to a man at the bar, he sat on the only stool with a cushion. He wore a white hood and black pants. His mouth was covered by a black bandana, all I can make out is his eyes. They looked like they bulged out've his sockets. They didn't look normal. We both caught eye contact for a moment. I down back at my sugar packets "So..?" I whispered back at Jacob "Let him stare all he fuckin wants". He laughed as Morgans Grandpa walked up "So what do y'all wanna eat" he smiled. "Just want some beer" said Morgan "Oh oh! I want some of those curly fries from last time!" yelled Jacob. Gramps turned to looked at me "uh.. Cheetos.." I said "No beer?" he asked, I shook my head "Just some ice tea please" he nodded. "It'll be right out!" he said, walking back into the kitchen.


When we all finished our food, most of the old men had left the bar, all except the dude seated at the counter. I tried not to pay too much attention to him, cant get those eyes out've my head though.. Morgan hugged the old man goodbye as we walked out've the bar and to her car. I got in first, putting on my seat belt and scooting up against the window. Jacob and Morgan soon got in too, Jacob rambled on, something about government control. Everything was a bit of a blur "Ava" Morgan said grabbing my attention, I snapped back into realty "Where ya wanna be dropped off?" she asked. I gave her my address and she nodded. We drove through the woods, the moon shined bright above us. The rainy clouds from before were all gone, it looked so peaceful outside. "The fuckers still can't find any evidence left by the bastard" said Morgan. "Just be patient, the killer can't hide forever you know" replied Jacob.They were back on the topic of the so called Smiley Killer. Those who live to tell the tail soon die after oooooo... I'll believe it when I see it. We soon stopped in front of my house, I bid everyone a goodnight and walked inside. I crept up the stairs and peaked into my fathers room, he snored loudly under the covers and I sighed as I tip toed to my room and closed my door. Thank god I wasn't caught...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, make sure to commenttttttttttttt byeeeeeeee

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