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Yo Im on the phone with my boyfriend right now and hes paying attention to his stupid game instead of me, so I decided to update this story. I hope you all enjoy. Have an A1 day!

Jeff's point of view:
She fainted and fell to the hard ground, I walked towards her and picked her up. She really was light, it was kind of pathetic. I slung her unconscious body over my shoulder and began heading for the woods, Jack followed. "So you're doing this again?" He spoke, I kept walking. "How long will this one last?" He asked "Because this little cycle is becoming painfully repetitive". I grind my teeth "I do what I please" I replied "I want her, end of story". He laughed "Like you wanted the 5 other ones?" He mocked. I stopped walking "It's different!" I yelled, he laughed harder "You said that about the last one" he reached for her "just give her to me so I-" I punched him in his fucking gut. "Fuck off Jack! I told you this one is mine!". He grabbed his stomach and growled "Oh Jeffery... you really... REALLY... shouldn't have done that" he pulled out his scalpel "Just for that I'll take your other kidney".

I grabbed my knife from my hoodie pocket "I'd like to see you try". We both got into our stances and starred eachother down, waiting for one to make the first move. "If you guys would like to stop touching tips that be greatly appreciated". We turned to see Hoodie, his hands were shoved in his pockets and he was starring directly at us. Jack put away his weapon and so did I.

Hoodie was always the quiet one. Sometimes he wouldn't speak for months on end, it use to piss me off when I first came. I could feel his eyes move to look at Ava, but he didn't say anything. He turned and started walking into the forest, me and Jack followed until we arrived at the mansion.

Time skip and Pov change because I am lazy

I awoken with a pounding headache and a lump on the back of my head. I felt a little dizzy and dehydrated, I looked around my surroundings. I was in a small room, the floor was dark wood and the walls were a cream colour. My hand was chained to the bedpost and I laid on a comfy black comforter. I sat up a little and turned to see a small bedside dresser.

"What the fuck..." I groaned. I stood up and looked at my retrained wrist. I tried wiggling my hand out of the metal clamp but it was too tight around it. Panic and frustration was flooding my mind, my stomach turned and I felt like I was going to puke. I tried opening the dresser beside me but noticed it was locked, I slammed my hand on the top of the dresser and tried not to scream in anger.

Whoever did this will be back soon. I didn't have much time, I starred at the dresser, trying to think of something, anything. Until an idea popped in my head. I ran my fingers through my unkept hair and felt a small Bobby pin tangled in my curly hair. I yanked it out, along with some of my hair and quickly stuck it in the keyhole. I use to pick locks and break into houses that didn't house any people in it with my friends. I knew what I was doing.


I let out a sigh of relief and opened the dresser drawer to see blood stained tools and weapons. Convenient.. but all the more reason to get the fuck out of here. I grabbed a hacksaw and quickly cut away at the wooden bed post. Saw dust went everywhere, I coughed and tried turning my head so I wouldn't get it in my eyes or my nostrils. I sawed until the post finally broke off. By then I was a coughing mess, my throat itched and my nostrils burned.


I covered my mouth to hear the noise again.


It was footsteps.


My coughing must've drawn attention. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I didn't plan ahead... the footsteps stopped and I could hear the person on the other side unlocking the door. In a panic I quietly ran behind the door with the saw in my hand. A man walked in, he hand brown hair and a orange jacket, with blue stained jeans. I quickly ran behind him and tackled him to the floor.

I sat on top of him, he wore a white mask with painted feminine features. I raised the saw over my head, about to cut him but hesitated. He saw this as an opening and quickly grabbed my neck and shoved me to the floor. He got on top of me and started choking me harder, I rammed the saw on his back, making a gash. He let go and cried in pain, I quickly shoved him off and grabbed the door handle to get up. He grabbed my ankle and I kicked him in the face. "You stupid fucking bitch" he screamed.

He quickly got up to his feet and dug into his pocket, pulling out a switchblade. Fuck.. my saw was nothing. It was hard to use and dull as shit. "Go ahead princess! Just what the fuck are you going to do?!" He yelled at me. I dropped the saw and punched his gut, he held onto his stomach and his mask fell off his face, making a huge crack in it. He looked at me with his bright blue eyes and charged at me. I fell before he could stab me and wrapped my arms around both of his legs, making him fall back down to the floor. His knife skidded across the floor as I got back on top of him.

I began punching him over and over. I had no time to think I just kept punching over and over and over and over. Blood stained my hands, my knuckles hurt but I kept going. Until I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. I stopped nd saw he'd pull another knife out and cut a huge gash in my cheek, a little below my eye. Tears of pain and frustration flooded my vision and I fell over. "Fuck you!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everything was red, I couldn't see. But my rage flooded everything "FUCK YOU" my screams echoed. I screamed until my vocal cords couldn't take it.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I heard a fimilar voice say. "You're little fucking pet attacked me" choked out the man. I shakily rubbed the blood and tears from my eyes and looked up to see the psycho murderer Jeff. "Just get the fuck out and I'll deal with this!" He yelled. The man got up and spat out blood on the floor beside me. I wanted to kill him.

He walked out and Jeff slammed the door. He grabbed me by my neck and threw me on the bed. "So you thought you were clever, huh?" He snickered. I scowled at him but he only smiled. "I'm actually quite impressed you had the urge to fight, only one of the others did that. But you know...". Others? So there's more girls he's kidnapped? Great. "You actually beat him up quiet magnificently. Good job" I didn't want his praise "let me go" I demanded. He only laughed at me, in an act of rage I lunged at him.

He grabbed my wrist and wrapped his other hand around my waist. He started waltzing with me, I growled and pulled away. "Why are you doing this to me?!" I screamed. He turned and walked towards the dresser "I see you've unlocked this" he said "ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION YOU STUPID FUCKING MONSTER" I yelled. He grabbed a kitchen knife and put it against my neck. "I suggest you watch your tone with me" he growled and pressed it against my neck harder "you'll regret it if you don't".

I'm sorry for such late updates, writing is hard. I have so many great ideas but making them come to life is so hardddd.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have an A1 day you guys.

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