Lets Forget This ((TRIGGER WARNING))

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Hello my super duper amazing people! This is a warning, if you are triggered by self harm and you are afraid of a relapse DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER! I am in no way glorifying selfharm nor endorsing it! If you struggle with self harm please seek help at 1-800-273-TALK! Thank you, please enjoy the chapter!


It had been a few weeks since I woken up in the hospital. Apparently the wound from the trespasser really did an number on me. When I had woken up after surgery I was interviewed by a few police officers and detectives. Apparently the person who did this to me was pretty famous. Morgan was the one who called the police, thank god she did. She had insisted they'd go check my house after I stopped texting. Her and Jacob come by every single day to make sure I'm doing alright. They sneak in Cheetos and candy bars for me. Jacob always came in with a bright and happy smile, he apparently was doing all my homework for me as well, oh jeez. Morgan wasn't as bright and happy though, she'd come in asking questions about the killer. What he looked like, what he was wearing, ect. My father pretty much slept by my bedside, he couldn't go home without me. I knew it was because he was scared and lonely. He never liked to be alone, after the divorce he was pretty much glued to my ankle. It was a good thing he worked at the hospital I was admitted to, it gave me time to talk to him and visitor hours didn't apply. He actually preformed the surgery as well, I can't remember all the details but I guess he was pretty heroic.


My father lifted me up from the bed and slowly set me in a wheelchair. "Dad I said I was fine" I said annoyed, he slung my bag over his shoulder and began to push me out "No you're not, you still need to properly heal" he replied in a stern tone. I groaned as we exited the hall way, nearing the exit door waiting for me was Jacob and Morgan, they smiled at me. "Ava!" yelled Jacob, waving his hand "Were over here!". Everyone in the waiting room turned to look at me, I felt my cheeks heat up "I can see ya, you cunt!" I yelled back angrily. Morgan walked up to my dad "Here I'll hold that for you" she said in a polite tone, unlike her usual stuck up tone. My father thanked her as he handed her my bag, we all walked out of the hospital.... well all except me. Anyway, my father lifted me up and put me in the front seat, I tried not to wince as my lower back touched my seat. He buckled me in and shut the door as the other two got in the back seat. "Ye wanna come over and have a sleepover?" my father asked "That would be nice" replied Morgan. "Oh me too!" joined Jacob, my father turned to look at Jacob with a "What are you stupid?" face. "Sorry Jacob girls only" said Morgan, "But.." he said before I cut him off with a loud sigh. Everyone in the car went quiet, my bad attitude radiating through out the car. I cracked the window a bit and starred at the scenery. I just wanted to go for a walk. I just wanted silence, I wanted to forget about Ryan and the stupid killer. I wanted to close my eyes and just forget it all, but things don't work like that. I leaned my head against the glass, I couldn't wait to finally take a nap in my own bedroom.


Shortly after my father dropped off Jacob we were finally home. My father, Morgan and I all went inside and sat in the living room for a "serious" talk. Morgan sat at the end of the couch and my father sat on the coffee table while I simply sat in my wheelchair. "Ava what happened was very serious, so now that you're back home there's going to be new rules" my father said in a serious tone, I wanted to roll my eyes and plug my ears but apart of me knew he was right. "Security cameras have been installed around the house, including your room, the house needs a pin code to get in, a simple key will not do anymore"he handed me and Morgan each a slip of paper that read 'A858'. "The windows also have alarms on them as well, for now on no one is to open a single window for any reason, if you do an alarm will set off and the police will be called" I looked at my father "Is this really all necessary? Ryan is... dead" I said, looking down at my trembling hands,

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