Chapter Two

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o2 // superficial mothers

I turns out that it's a mystery as to why I have lost my voice, but the doctors say it's could be due to post traumatic stress disorder.

The cops call my mother sometime before midnight and she picks me up with a very panicked look upon her face.

"Where have you been?" She hisses to me as her face screws up in anger. She looks around and puts on a fake voice. "I've been worried sick! Are you okay? What happened to your hair?" She gives laughs an grips my forearm. To any onlookers it'd just look like she was guiding me to the car but in reality, she digs her nails into my skin as I wince.

I got into the car, I put myself in the back seat and slid down the seat so I could stay out my mother's view if she were to look at me in the rear view mirror.

"What made you think you'd get away with running away?" She howls at me. "First week in a new town and you run away! After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?"

I didn't run away though. Something chased me.

I slide down the seat even more, wishing I could just curl into myself and disappear.

She sighs heavily as she drives the car away from the hospital. "At least I don't have to hear your voice for a few days." She grips the the steering wheel and does a sharp turn. I get tossed to the other side of the car and lose my position of a sloth.

We drive in silence until we get home.


My mother shakes me awake and feverishly opens the curtains as she chirps something about school.

"I've registered you into Beacon Hills High School and you are starting today!" she says in an unfamiliar tone. Is she she being nice to me? "So hurry otherwise you'll be late!"

She left my room as I take in my room. My room was the only room in the large and empty house to still be in boxes. The only thing that weren't in boxes were my clothes and books.

My single bed sits opposite the window that could be seen from the front the house, I had a few cushions on the window ledge as I plan to make it my little reading corner.

So, I reluctantly pull myself from my bed as I hear it cry 'no, don't leave me'!

Okay, maybe I had imagined that.

I slip on some black and white checked pants and pulled on a white collared crop top before I bounce into some combat boots. I tie my hair in a ponytail whilst I do my make up--no foundation, no concealer, just a bit of eyeliner and mascara along with my eyebrows slightly coloured in.

It's a good thing I prefer the more natural look because in all honesty, I had no idea how to apply make up other than the eyeliner and mascara. Good thing I make up for it with my excellent eyeliner skills, trust me, I can do a perfect cat eye look.

I quickly straighten my hair and do my hair in a half up, half down style.

Looking at my watch, I let a sigh of relief out as I see I still had plenty of time left. Forty minutes to be exact.

I throw on my rucksack and before I leave the house I decide to grab a piece of toast. Before going downstairs though, I grab some post-it notes incase I need to tell anyone anything when I don't have paper about.

When I pass the dining room I see a pile of toast, some with Nutella on, some plain and some with both butter and jam on. I walk in and reach for a Nutella covered toast slice only to someone slap my hand away.

I make eye contact with my mother as I look up from the piece of toast to her.

She waggles a finger at me and deadpans: "I'm expecting good grades, no trouble and for you to make sensible friends."

I nod slowly before snatching the piece of toast I had been eyeing previously and proceed to leave the house.

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