Chapter Seven

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o7 // thanks derek

Math finally ends, thank God, and we all file out. Lydia links an arm with me and I awkwardly take it. I'm still not used to this whole having a popular friend thing but hey, it was better than sitting alone at lunch.

Stiles is standing at the door waiting for, I assume, Scott who is walking out behind me. He looks sheepishly at me and I sigh, walking away from him. He waves awkwardly and I do too but he then pulls Scott towards the end of the hallway as I stand by the lockers with Lydia as we wait for Allison. I watch the two chatter quietly and I see him gesture Then at the sheriff, who is stood a little way behind me. I turn to the dad and see him talking to some other officer and a teacher.

I shrug it off as Allison approaches us. Lydia links arms with both Allison and I then leads us towards a group of boys. Lydia is evidently being true to her word and she starts introducing Allison to other lacrosse players.

"This is Allison." Lydia says with a smug smile upon her face.

"Hi." The lacrosse player simply says before looking her up and down. "Nice to meet you."

"She's the new girl. She just moved here." Lydia inserts.

Whilst Allison and another player animatedly talk Lydia asks me:

"Want me to find you a guy, Nora? You're kind of cute so I'm sure someone would go for you." She chirps, I scoff then punch her arm. Lydia really has no filter whatsoever. I shrug before correcting myself by shaking my head side to side.

Perceiving, a slightly flustered Scott walking up to us I look behind him and see Stiles is still stood there with his back against the lockers as he inspects his nails.

"So Lydia's introducing you to everyone?" Scott inquires inquisitively at Allison, completely ignoring my presence. I clear my throat although he waves me off.

"She's being so unbelievably nice to me." Wow, real classy. Both ignoring me? Maybe their little crush on each other or whatever it is they have is affecting their vision.

"I wonder why..."

Allison shrugs but replies anyway. "Maybe she gets how much being the new girl can suck." I lean against the lockers and look over to Stiles. I hit the lockers so that the sound and vibration moves towards him.

He looks up all of a sudden and his head whips around wondering where the sound came from. I chuckle quietly but my thoughts are interrupted as I hear a familiar name.

"Like Derek." Why are they talking about Derek? He is all sorts of creepy although he's a bit attractive when he's not staring everyone around him down.

"Your friend?" Allison innocently asks.

"He's not my friend." Scott snaps and I cough a little louder this time. He shoots me a glare but carries on. "How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?"

"Mmm, not much at all. He might've said something to Nora though."

"Why would he say something to Nora?"

"He drove her home too." Allison says as if everyone should know that. I hope everyone doesn't know that.

"How much did you say to him when he drove you home, Nora?" Oh shit, he's turned on me now. Then I realise what he said and I notice how badly worded it was. He looks very confused when I start laughing my airy laugh. "What's so funny?"

"I think it's the fact you said 'what did you say'..." Lydia inserts once again. Scott raises and eyebrow as Allison and I burst out laughing.


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