Chapter Four

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o4 // first line

When the lacrosse game finishes, I run down to Scott to give him my best attempt at saying well done but I give up and put my thumbs up and pat him on the back.

Him and Stilinski seem eager to get away from the crowd so I leave them be.

Like the geek and nerd and keen bean I am, I'm now currently doing homework whilst reading over the notes I made today. Is it just me, or am I the only one that isn't struggling with chemistry? I mean, I get Mr. Harris is a complete tool but chemistry isn't that hard...


The next day I thought it'd only be fair if I attend every practise to accompany Stilinski. I can't just leave him to sit on the bench by himself now can I?

Although when I get there, Stilinski isn't. I groan and sit on a bleacher bench. This contradicts every thought I just conjured up.

Maybe ten, fifteen, twenty minutes possibly, after a while Stilinski does show up incredibly late. I walk up to him from behind and see him talking to Scott.

When I reach them Scott disappears into the mass of people as I hear Stilinski mutter to himself:

"It was a wolf." I clear my throat making him jump as he moans at my presence. I scoff and punch him in the arm and the grimace on his face grew into a grin. "You totally fell for that!" He walks over to the bench he sits on, as always, with me sitting down beside him.

We sit there in a companionable silence for a while until the team gathers together and Stilinski leaves me to go join them. I put my fist into the air to try and symbolise I'm cheering him on as I watch the madness unfold.

The whistle blows and the game begins. The pace is crude but deadly.

When the ball gets passed to Scott, another player comes right after him. I realise it's the same player Lydia was giving her sly smile to yesterday.

Lacrosse sticks smacking down on the offensive player's gloves, Scott tumbles forward and slams to the ground, the player has just knocked him to the ground.

The piercing sound of the whistle stops the play.

The player (from Lydia's cheers I now know as Jackson) stands over Scott, scowls at him as he picks the ball up with a gloved hand.

Coach gives the whistle another blow, signalling to play again.

I see Scott and Jackson staring across from each other at the draw, crouched down with their sticks waiting for the Assistant Coach to drop the ball.

At the whistle, Scott moves with almost lightning fast speed, it makes me gasp as I put a hand over my mouth. He grabs the ball right out from under Jackson.

I jump out of my skin when I realise Stilinski has returned to the bench. He nods in my acknowledgement then stands, slowly moving to the sidelines to watch.

Scott charges the length of the field but Jackson catches up and makes a furious stab at stealing the ball. Then with defence and other players moving in on him from different directions--

Scott twists his lacrosse stick around, keeping the ball safely in the pocket while he fucking flips forward over the heads of actual people!

My mouth forms an 'O' as Stilinski stands there with his jaw nearly touching the ground.

Scott lands with his feet on the turf, he whirls around, tossing the ball in an over the shoulder shot past the goalie--

He scores. The ball is in the net.

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