Chapter Eleven

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11 // ew, jackson?

Where the fuck is it?

I can't find it! I can't find the fucking DVD! I swear if my mother has put my Ted Baker slash the Fourth Doctor Classic Who collection into the trash can, I am going to cut a hoe.

My only solution is to go to Video 2C and rent a decent film to take my mind off the fury growing inside me.

I slip into some plain pumps that match my leggings and an oversized jumper then proceed to do a quick walk to the video store.

Finally reaching Video 2C, I open the door and come face to face with a ladder underneath a light. I ignore the light and start to scour the aisles for a film.

My eyes fall upon Hairspray. I want to watch it yet I don't. Okay, scratch that. I need to watch that musical.

Although, when I reach for it I hear a throat being cleared being me.

It's Jackson.

Turning to face him, I awkwardly wave at him before I go back to grab the film. I spin on my heel towards the direction of the checkout counter to go rent the film but Jackson sidesteps in front of me.

"Are you going to apologise?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, wondering why he is being all arrogant then remember what happened earlier today. Still, I find him arrogant but out of pure politeness I quickly mouth an empty apology and walk to the counter to find no one there. I make my way to look around the counter but stop when my left pump steps into a liquid that makes a comical squelch.

I look down and my eyes follow the trail of red that lead to a pair of feet. Going against my instinct, I gingerly step towards the feet then let out a squeak of sound for the first time in what feels like forever.

A worker is lying on the floor with his throat slashed.

Spinning around, I desperately go to look for Jackson to warn him. I see he has been standing behind me looking down at the dead employee as well.

We both look at each other, both obviously terrified. We rush to go leave but unknowingly walk into the ladder, it hits the light which causes the electricity throughout the store to flicker continuously.

Hearing a sound about four aisles behind Jackson and I, Jackson--like the idiot he is--follows the sound and I continue letting out squeaks to try and tell him not to go after the noise.

Turning, I come face to face with a pair of red eyes; long, sharp fangs, all belonging to a huge, black beast.

I walk backwards, tripping over various things as the beast stalks after me, not hesitant to growling but my eyes never once leave the monstrous creature.

Starting to whimper, my back collides with a stack of movies, signalling I've reached a dead end.

The monster is close to my face now and just as it lifts a single claw to my neck I feel my eyes go cold. The animal freezes, growls once more then runs to jump dramatically out of the store window.

I rush over to Jackson, finding that he's trapped himself under a rack of videos and try to help pry him free.


Sirens surround me, but I drown them out, trying to think of what had happened just mere minutes ago.

It had murder in its eyes, it was going to harm me, probably kill me. But something had stopped it. And that something is putting my brain into over drive. But that's not the only thing I'm overthinking, I'm also trying to figure out what the hell that creature was!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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