Chapter Three

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o3 // scrimmage

After walking for about twenty five minutes I finally arrive at school. I quickly look at myself to check I'm still presentable. I clomp up the steps leading to the main entrance I the school as I pull out the map of the place.

I've got to go to...reception I think. Yes, to register.

I put the map away and take swallow hard before entering the school.

There are so many kids, and there's lockers lining the walls. There's a couple snogging, a kid pulling down his top and a ginger walking--no, strutting in behind me as if she's walking down a catwalk at a fashion show.

"I heard a wolf howling." The kid who earlier pulled down his top says to another boy. This kid has shaggy hair and tanned skin, like he's Latino. He has brown eyes and he's talking to the other boy--this dude has a buzz cut hair-do and pale skin unlike his companion.

No you didn't, I think to myself, if only I could tell him. Then I remember the post-it notes I had brought with me.

I scribble down how wolves haven't been seen in sixty years in this place.

What? A girl has got to do her own research.

I stick the note on the locker between them and this interrupts their conversation. I put a small smile on my face before walking away.

"Really?" The tan one calls out to me. I nod in return as I overhear the pale one say:

"Yes, really. There are no wolves in California." He states as if it should be the most obvious thing in the world.

Why on Earth are they discussing wolves anyway?


After much misunderstanding, I finally registered and sorted all the forms out at reception and now I'm waiting for someone to take me and another new girl to first period English with Mr. Curtis.

"Hi." She says to me cautiously. "I'm Allison." That is my cue to tell her my name but I gesture to my throat and pull out another post-it note.

'Lost my voice. I'm Nora. :)'

She chuckles at the note and I took another post-it note to ask her why she moved to Beacon Hills.

She dives into a short story of how her dad's job requires her to move around a lot.

'Where were you last?'

"San Francisco, we were there for more than a year. Which is the longest we've stayed in one place." I give her a smile and reply:

'Well, hopefully, Beacon Hills is your last stop for a while.'

The principal finally comes in to take us to class and repeatedly offers his profuse apologies.

"Class, these are our new students: Allison Argent and Nora Adams. Please do your best to make both of them feel welcome." He then leaves.

Allison takes an empty seat behind the Latino dude and so far with her being my only friend I take the empty seat next to her which is behind the boy with the buzz cut.

Before class continues, Allison puts her bag down and places a notebook on her desk. She glances up to see the Latino boy hand her a pen. She takes it from him and I raise and eyebrow. She returns the gesture with a shrug.


Finally lunch rolls around, Allison and I walk to the cafeteria. I'm not hungry but Allison buys some food.

The cashier drops the coins on the floor and I immediately help the person out and pick up the coins and hand them back to the cashier. I notice Allison and the shaggy haired person have made eye contact and I notice the boy with him staring at me.

His eyes bulge and I turn to Allison. I notice she's walking away with the ginger who was strutting earlier today.

My mouth forms a 'o' and I sigh. With my shoulders slouched I search for a table to sit at--although I could just go outside as I'm not actually going to eat anything.

I decide to go outside but before I'm able to exit I'm swivelled around by a hand on my shoulder.

"H-hi. You're--you're uh..." It's the boy with the buzz cut, pale skin and frail bones. He rubs the nape of his neck as I realise he has a few moles slash freckles on the lower half of his face.

We both sort of stand there in silence as I see that he's not very clearly asking for my name. Although it's kind of funny watching him stand there all nervous so I just stand there too with a smile forming on my face.

He finally breaks the silence. "You're Nora aren't you?" I nod. "You're in my English class, right?" I nod again. "You don't talk much do you?" I instinctively roll my eyes and begin to walk away again soon hearing a second set of footsteps following behind me.

"Were you the one my dad found last night?" I turn around to face him and raise an eyebrow. I nod once more and I suddenly realise he's the boy that the driver last night was talking to. I can see the familiarities now, between him and the boy last night and between him and his dad.

I go to pull out my post-it notes to tell him that I can't actually talk but he starts to walk away just like Allison did. I sigh but he turns around and gestures for me to follow him. "Coming to eat or what?"

So with my non-existent food I follow him to a table with the Latino boy and place myself down on a chair.

I ignore a conversation between the buzz cut guy and a girl who's sitting behind him at another table.

Instead I focus on the Latino boy staring at Allison. It's kind of cute how he's only known her for the same amount of time as me (although I do know a few more details about her) and he's already smitten.

Though she seems nice, I should've guessed she just wants to be friends with the populars and not a 'runaway' like me.

The conversation between the girl and buzz cut boy stops and before I know it I'm being ushered by someone into my next class.

"Meet me out here and you can come to practise." The pale boy says and leaves.

I don't even know his name.


It turns out that the practise everyone is getting so excited about is lacrosse. I mean, I should've guessed what with all the lacrosse sticks strapped to pretty much every guy's backpack.

The boy I now call Stilinski (I deduced he'd be a Stilinski as his dad is sheriff Stilinski...and his lacrosse top said Stilinski on the back...) shows me the way to the lacrosse pitch and I sit myself down on a bleacher bench and wait for this, uh, scrimmage to commence.

I grab my phone and start playing Linkin Park-'Numb' to drown out the many shouts. I lie back and watch the practise. Not much fun at all.

I jump when someone taps on my shoulder. I pull out one earphone and look up to see Allison. I smile at her and think maybe she isn't a ditcher after all. She sits down beside me with the ginger girl she left me for at lunch.

"Nora, this is Lydia Martin. Lydia this is--"

"Nora, yes I gathered it was Nora." She quickly sneers before giving me a sickly smile and I return it with a raised eyebrow.

"He seems like he's pretty good." Allison says referring to the player in the goal. I raise both eyebrows in question and she adds. "Scott McCall."


"Very good." Lydia replies.

Stilinski lets out a loud cry in response to Scott catching the ball then starts jumping up on the bench.

Next to me Lydia also cheers causing another player to throw a glare at her. She returns his look with a sly smile.

After a moment, Scott gives the goalie stick a whirl, spinning it with a flick of his wrist and sending the ball flying into the pocket of another astonished player's stick.

If I had a voice I'd cheer too nevertheless I jump up and down waving my hands like a lunatic in hope people will see I'm trying to support the excellent lacrosse player.

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