Chapter Nine

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o9 // goodbye mister m

I wake up, gasping and drenched in sweat. The same cold feeling by my eyes is there again but that's not the thing I'm worried about.

It's Allison.

I quickly go to the bathroom and clean myself up before changing into some clothes. I wear a pair of blue jeans and a loose white blouse before I decide to leave my hair alone and instead I just tuck a bit behind my ear.

I have to get to school, there's something wrong and Allison is involved. I don't know what but it's something and...and I'm not sure if she's dead or not.

All that happened was I saw her screaming before I woke up. But she was covered in blood and cuts covered her skin. She may have bled out or the person, or thing, that caused the cuts may have finished the job.

What I want to know is who would want to hurt Allison?

After running to school in my black converse, I see something very horrifying--a school bus torn to shreds, the back door completely bent open. Along with blood and claw marks all over it.

I burst into the school, pushing my way through many people--including Scott and Stiles. They face me, and I see they also have a look of panic across their face. But there's no time for that, I have to see if Allison is okay.

I let out a sigh of relief when I spot her down at the end of the corridor. I jog over to her and pull her into a hug.

"Hey-hey Nora!" She laughs and I release her from the hug. "Not that I didn't love the sudden hug, but why the hug?" She asks with a chuckle. I smile back whilst thinking up a reliable excuse slash lie.

But I don't have to because Scott bumps into Allison and he too is happy to see her.

"You're okay?" Scott asks, a look of shock but relief is easily seen on his face.

"Yeah, I am." I feel like I'm intruding on an intimate moment...Allison and I look up at Scott to see he's staring at Allison. "What?"

"I'm just happy to see you." Aw, how sickeningly sweet that is. I take that as my cue to leave but stop in my tracks when an announcement from the principal catches my ear.

"Students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the accident of last night in one of our bus." I wasn't but now you mention it, sir, I am now. "While the police tries to determinate what happened, classes will proceed as usual. Thank you." Ugh, we still have to have class? Damn it.

Allison waves bye to both Scott and I. I turn to Scott, a questioning look on my face. How did he know Allison was in trouble?

"It's a long story." Okay, this voicelessness is really starting to piss me off, I can't even ask Scott about it because he leaves before I can grab my post-it notes.

A dented locker catches my eye and a distraught Jackson is stood in front of it.

"What are you looking at?" His questions has a threatening tone to it causing my hands to fly up in surrender.


I don't go to my first class, because I feel like I'm going to throw up any second.

My eyes keep feeling cold and I constantly have a lump in my throat. I scour the hallways until I find a female restroom and hastily walk into a cubicle, locking it behind me.

What is happening to me?

I sit on the floor of the cubicle with an open lid open ready for if I am sick and that's when I hear something.

moving on» stilinskiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ