Chapter 1

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The sky is peachy orange. You can see the sunset from where I am standing. There is a constant wind hitting me due to the force of waves coming back and forth. I don't know for how long I have been standing here for but I just felt someone threw water on me and I turned around to see my best friend standing there. Just then I remembered I zoned out a few seconds ago, thinking about what my dad told me. I turned to look at my one and only best friend who was busy looking at a kid, who was trying to build a sand castle but failing endlessly, I noticed the way my friend was looking at the kid as if she just saw a grand, gorgeous and good-looking gem. She was happy and full of joy just like her name Bliss.

Bliss is more like my sister than my best friend to me. She has always been there for me when I needed her in my bad time but sometimes I do get jealous of her because she is a bit taller than me but seriously I am jealous of her because she has a normal life even though she comes from a family who are billionaires just like my family but still her life is not dramatic and sudden. She is really enjoying herself right now and not only her, everyone on this beach are happy and stress-free except one person. That's me.

I feel like I am going to have a cardiac arrest because I have taken every one stress who exist on this planet on myself. Note the sarcasm people! Just kidding! But seriously I need to talk to someone and only one person right now who is available is enjoying herself right now and I don't want to burden her with my problems. But I need to talk to someone.

Today, before coming to the beach, I had to go to my dad's office which is a gigantic, marvelous, magnificent building. You could recognize it easily because it's the only building in the city which is made out of tinted glass. The office is like every office like there are guards at the entrance, then the reception with a lady behind the desk(with too much makeup on), two lifts in the far corner and the most important people running around as if they are running a marathon. I said "Good morning" and "Hello" to everyone and walked up to the lift. Pressing the button which says 57 on it and waited. The doors open which indicated I reached the floor so I got out and walked straight to the double door. I don't know how long I have been standing there for but I could see my dad secretary staring at me. I smiled sheepishly, my face instantly flushing. First time ever in my life I was so anxious about why my dad needed me today. There were some thoughts in my mind like maybe our whole might be going on a family trip or maybe a business party.

I opened the door and the first thing I could see was the whole city. It looked so beautiful and you could see the sun smiling in the city. I could see my dad facing the tinted glass and he was so busy thinking about whatever he was thinking that he did not even notice that I was already in the room. I wonder what's going on in his mind. I scoffed to get him out of his own world and talk to me and that is what exactly happened.

"Hey," He said.

"Hi, dad" I replied. After a long pause, I said: "How are you, dad?"

"I am actually really good today but there is something really important I want to talk to you about" He replied and there was another long pause. I don't know why but things are really awkward between dad and me today which is quite annoying me because me and dad are really close to each other and we always told each other the secrets that no one knew about like not even our family knew about because he or she are quite dangerous secrets and I would just want to keep my family about of them for their own good.

But the next thing that came out of my dad's mouth was just really shocking. He said, "I want you to take over the companies."

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