Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV

I left the building in my car.  I need to make some calls for tomorrow because even though I am not going to be here that does not mean I will go against my words. The world needs to know who owns the Clark Empire. I don't mind exposing myself to danger but risking the life of my father above all my family. Nope! I am not letting anything happen to them under any circumstances.

For this, I need to call one of my friend who works in The New York Times. His name is Jake Benson.

Jake picks up his phone and the first thing I hear is a girl's moan. When is this guy going to stop his player ways?

"Hey, it's me." I harshly say.

"Oh, hey, your highness, how can I help you?" Jake replied.

"I need you to take the media to Clark Industries tomorrow morning sharp at ten. Before you ask why. Let me tell you that I am the new heiress to the Clark Empire and I want the whole world to know that. Also, I want this news to be on the front page of all the newspapers." I sternly replied.

"Oh my god, congratulations  but when did this all happen?" He questioned.

"Look, I am really sorry but I can't explain everything to you right now because I am heading to the airport but can you just do the thing that I told you to do, please, thank you." Before he could say anything I cut the call.

I have to call Robert now to see if he got the papers.

Before I can even call him, I get a text from him saying he already left with papers and he is heading towards the airport.

I am a few minutes away from the airport.

My phone beeps again. I stop the car in front of Starbucks to get a coffee for myself. I go to the counter and give my order for a freshly brewed coffee and pay. To occupy myself, I go on my phone along with that I check who texted me. I open to see that it is from Nancy.

To Amelia,

The station is called Melbourne East Police Station, where they are being held and the hotel we are staying at is called Langham Hotel Melbourne.

From Nancy.

I thank her and send the same piece of information to Robert and I also tell him to hire a cab from the airport when we land in Australia.

I thank the waitress and take my coffee heading towards the airport.

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