Chapter 7

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I make it to the airport just to see some of my guards there standing like a statue in a straight line.  

I exit my car head over to them. I see the head of security for my family was standing there on his phone. His name is Jay. He is like my second best friend after Bliss. Jay is twenty-five years old and he has been working for my dad since he was eighteen. Jay is the strongest shield we have for this family but from two years he has conjointly started to work with Mr. Jackson, Mr.Parker and Mr. Dixon.

I make my way to him. I can see he is wearing his usual uniform. I have tried so much to make him wear casual clothes but he would deny wearing it. It irritates me sometimes but I can't do anything at all about after all it's his choice.

I nod at the other security guards while I walk past them. I approach Jay, tapping him on his shoulder to get his attention. He takes a U-turn so that he is facing me. He slightly smiles at me. I wait for him to finish his call.

After a few minutes, he puts his phone away.

"Hey, Jay." I greet him.

"Hey, Lia. How are you doing?" He questions while tugging me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I am fine. What about you? What are you doing here?" I inquire.

"I'm good. The reason I am here is that I got noted that someone activated one of our private planes and Mr. Clark did not inform me so I had to come here and check it out." He said while pulling away from the bone-crushing hug.

"Oh!! Actually, it was me who called Robert to set up the plane." I said.

"But why do you need this prodigious plane?" He asks me with curious eyes. I don't know what to say now. He knows when I am dishonest to him.

"I have some meeting to attend for my upcoming photo shoot," I replied with a blank face just hoping for him to give up.

"Oh, okay. You can go now and when will you be back."

"I will be back in a few days. I take go now, bye." I said moving towards the entrance of the plane. While climbing up to go inside the plane, I see two guards following me.

"I don't need security because I hired few guards to the place I am going." I grimly reply. Don't these people have any other business to do? Honestly, they don't because technically I am their boss so they do what I tell them to do.

"Oh Jay, I also need you to keep a close eye on her." And with that, I went inside.


After I finished reading the bail papers, I discovered that Mr. Phelps wants me to contact another lawyer who he just is good and he will take care of the bail.

The time is slow as a snail and that's why we still have twenty hours left to reach our destination which is Melbourne. I am so tired that I feel like I am ready to drop on my feet hence I might as well just go to the bedroom and rest for some time.

I slide open the door of the bedroom. The bedroom is not too big but it has a queen bed in the middle of the room with two cream-colored sofas by the windows.

I remove my shoes and hop onto the bed and shut my eyes.


I open my eyes just to be greeted by the annoying brightness of the lights. I observe outside the windows to detect the darkness of night time. I must go to Robert and check how long we have left because I need to get the girls to slide out of jail as soon as possible therefore no one will find out what happened.

I slide open the cockpit door and step inside.

Robert turns around, "Hey," He says quietly which indicates that he is knackered.

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