Chapter 8

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I am sorry. I am leaving you here. I wish I could have saved you, Robert. I really wish I saw this coming. I am sorry that I am leaving you here.

I turned around and ran back to the girls.

I saw the girls standing with the parachutes on their back, however, it was difficult to stay still. They had shot down the windows, therefore, the entire room was a wreck, the glass that was around the room was now on the ground in small pieces.

I held on to the chairs and made my way towards the girls.

"We only have four parachutes, not enough for everyone, what are we going to do?", Brittany said.

I saw Hannah was shaking, she was scared, I mean who wouldn't be in this situation. The girls had a look of dread on their faces. We need to jump of the plane right now. We don't have enough time left, the plane is going to blow any second now.

"Ok, this is the plan, Hannah is going to share the parachute with me so while we prepare ourselves, why don't you girls start to jump of the plane", I said.

They just looked at me, they can't believe I just said that.

"Listen girls, I know this is not something you have ever experienced in your life but this is a life or death situation so I need to gather your courage because you are going to need it after this, you have to be strong if you want to survive, you cannot waste time like this, I know you have a lot of questions but we don't have enough time left, the plane can blow up any second now so strap those bags on your back and jump out, NOW!", I screamed.

"Hannah come here and pass me the parachute", she came towards me and gave me the bag, I strapped the parachute around my back and turned back around to the girls, "Hannah come and stand in front of me", when she came I strapped the frontside of the straps around her so she was locked against me.

We went towards the emergency button and I pushed it.

A second later a gush of wind started to push us, I held Hannah's hand and whispered "You're a strong girl, we will be fine", I felt her relax.

I turned back to the other girls.

"Are you ready? On the count of three we all we jump, ok, as long as you guys are with me, I won't let anything happen to you guys and it's my promise, as soon as we jump and you guys see the ground then pull the string, it will open your parachute, ok?", I screamed as the wind is strong.



"1, Let's GO!", I shout.

Brittany jumped off the plane followed by Amy, however, Olivia is hesitating.

"Olivia you need to jump now, we don't have enough time", she was still hesitating.

"Ok hold my hand and we all will jump together, Hannah you ready", I felt her nod.

"OK on count of three!"



"1, Jump"

We jump.

The Heiressحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن