Daddy's Lil Man

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Daddy's Lil Man

When she passed away, John thought it was just a dream. He never imagined holding this small baby boy in his arms without her. He never thought he would have to teach him how to speak and walk or even what noises certain animals made without her there. Alas, John Hunter made it five years without his wife Julie and just enough strength to make Jack laugh and feel loved.

"Jack. Time to get up buddy. Gotta big day today! First day of Kindergarten!" John walks into Jack's jungle theme room and can't seem to find him anywhere. The he spots his toes underneath his bed. "Looks like the Jungle cat found a baby chimp to eat!"

The foot pulls under the bed, but not before John pulls them out and Jack is hanging upside down by his ankles, laughing and giddy as ever.John gently places him on the bed and tickle him all over.

"Come on! Gotta get ready for school." He lifts him up and takes him to the closet. Jack isn't one to be shy at home. Around other people besides John, yes, but at home no. Jack hides his face in John's tee-shirt. "What's the matter Jack?"

"I no wanna go school!"

"What do you wanna do the ?"

"Tay wid you!" He wraps his arms around His dad's neck and John can feel a few tears deep through his shirt.

"Listen buddy. It's gonna be fun. You'll make friends and play games, eat snacks, take a nap. Just like preschool, only you'll learn some more fun things."

"I no wanna learn. I wanna Tay wid you daddy." His blonde hair falls into his eyes a bit and John brushes them away. He has his mother's hair, his eyes, and both their stubbornness.

"Can we make a deal? You go one day. If you don't like it, you can quit school all together and work with me and Uncle Matt. But you have to do a full day okay?" Jack considers this and then shakes his head yes. John knows he'll like school, even if he's scared at first.

Getting ready, John packs Jack's lunch in his Jungle Book lunch box and places it in his Tiger backpack. Walking out of the house, they see the moving truck passing their cabin. The cement chips cackle under the heavy tires.

"Go get in your car seat." He pats Jack's bottom and Walks to get the news paper. Just doesn't the road at the next house he can see the truck is stopped an four men are unpacking everything. He shakes it off and gets in the Escape.

They listen to Jack's disney tape and both sing along. It's sad to think at Thirty-five he's a single parent who knows the words to every disney song known to man. They finally get to Rockson Elementary school and John helps Jack out of his carseat.

"Need me to walk in with you?" Jack says nothing but gives dad a nod. John knows he's in shy mode. Walking him into the school, he holds Jack's hand and gets to the secretary at the desk. "Hi, I was wondering where my son, Jack Hunter is placed."

The secretary smiles an searches her computer. She looks back up and can't believe how hot this guy is.

"He's in room 239. Teacher is Waites. I'm Cynthia Rose by the way. Head secretary here at Rockson." She extends her hand and he shakes it.

"Thank, you." He and Jack head down the hall and then up a flight of stairs. at the end of the hall he finds the room 239. He opens the door and a whole bunch of lil kids like Jack are running around and some parents are still there, either angling their children or consoling them. Some are just chatting with the other parents.

"Kinda crazy, don't cha think Bud?" Jack nods his he's and clutches himself to John's right leg. "Let's go find this Mr. Waites."

They slowly make their way around the hectic room and Jack points to a seat with his name on it.

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