Monday Madness

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Monday Madness

Nervous and ping slightly insane during the wait, Emma taps on her legs with her hands. She's been nervous all weekend. John looks over at her and sees her basically having finger spasms on her leg. He reaches over ad gently takes her shaking hand in his own. He's nervous too, but the odds are okay. 50/50. That's better than anything else really. She could go back to normal or stay the same. Either way, he loves her and either way she's going to be his wife.

"Ms. Waites? Doctor Berkshire will see you now." The receptionist call to them, an John wheels her in. He left John with his elderly neighbor, Ellie today. He didn't need him getting rieghled up or causing a scene.

They head into the office and Dr. Berkshire is waiting in her rolly chair smiling wide and looking over some charts.

"Nice to see you Emma! And you are?"

"John, the fiancé." John puts a hand out and they shake hands and Emma rolls over by the seats and John in a chair.

"Nice to meet you. Well I assume you're all ready then?"

"Yes, Mame I am."

"Any questions?"

"Yes I have one. Are they're any negative possibilities about this surgery?" John sits up and Berkshire thinks for a moment then responds.

"No. The only negative possibility is she stays paraplegic. If there aren't any more questions, we can get started with the surgery."

They get her in a gown an put her under in the operating room. John waits for hours upon hours. He's so nervous about the procedure that he doesn't realize he's pacing the office waiting room.

After four hours the nurse comes out.

"John. You can come back now." John follows the nurse down the hallway and into Emma's room. She's sleeping, so he waits.

"John." Berkshire comes in.


"We won't know for a few days. We have to let her heal before we do touch tests, nerve end tests, and movement tests. But so far she looks pretty good."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

John hopes Emma can get her legs back. He knows how bad she wants to be able to walk and do things and have children. She just wants to turn her upside down world, right side up again.

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