The Ending

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The Ending

John never expected Emma to come back to him. In fact she never did. You never expected Jackson to take it over so well. And he never expected himself to feel well just a little happy inside. But he learned his lesson. Don't cheat when you know you love someone.

He offered to pay child support to Emma. But she never excepted it. She was mad at him, she hated him, and yet she still loved him. But out of her whole life, she's been cheated and duped so many times, that this last time just hurt too much. Why stay with a man who would hurt you?

Emma eventually moved away. She'd forgotten about John and Jackson. She ended up giving the baby up for adoption. It hurt, but in the long run she knew it was the best thing to do.

John ended up marrying Allie. He got to meet his daughter, who got better from the leukemia. Jackson was happy to have a sister. They both grew up and played together. Jackson went on to college after graduating high school many years later. And Ally and John grew old together.

Emma eventually got married also, to a man named Dylan. Who was so nice to her. She never forgot about John though. He was the man who stuck by her through the hardest times. He held her close. He kissed her like she's never been kissed before. But at the same time a part of her had forgotten. She forgotten the man who had hurt her. Who had cheated on her. Who she had ran over. But she never, never, forgot Jackson. That little boy stayed with her until she died.

Jackson never forgot Emma either. She was his mother. Though not by blood, but by heart. He loved her, and he always would. Just like he knew his dad would. It was the ending to a terrible but beautiful story.

The End.

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