The New Norm

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The New Norm

For the next few weeks, John, Jack, and Emma have been piling into John's car and going to school, and coming home from school. And every night just the same, Emma would learn one more thing about normal sexy love making and John would get another year back from missing out on sex.

No matter how long they took or what they did after, Jack would stay down stairs, color, watch tv, eat or take a nap.

For a five year old, he was beginning to grow attached to Emma. His new relationship with her was closer than anyone intended. So through the eyes of a five year old, seeing you're Daddy happy and always with your kindergarten teacher, who was not only nice, but caring; a ice year old, who never knew his mommy, could only assume, based on known facts that Emma was his mother.

As Jack sits down in the living room cuddling his monkey and watching Mickey Mouse Club House, he becomes curious. He's never left the living room or kitchen before, besides to go potty, so why not explore. He's tried of being inside, so he heads outside, to the backyard. The yard is big and spacious and very different from his. There is no swing set or play ground. No sand pit or pool. Just woods upon woods, upon woods, with no fences to keep him contained. And being five, without really thinking anything through, Jack makes his way through the "Jungle" to fin him a new animal.

He walks forever, never young or slowing down, but occasionally looking around at the scenery. He can't see the house any more, but he's confident in his tiger tracking to get him back home. Going farther out in the wrong direction, Jack finds a small creek bed. He walks across the slippery rocks and makes it across, but loses his monkey in the middle and can't reach him. He keeps walking though.

The cool air feels fresh on his skin and through his blonde hair. He makes his way farther into the woods as night seems to be falling quicker and quicker.

Back at the house, Emma and John have just finished round two of sex and John gets ready to leave.

"Ya know, Jack's been really quiet tonight? You think he fell asleep?" Emma pulls a shirt on an looks at John.

"He's always quiet, remember?" He kisses her and they both walk down stairs. "Okay bud, time ta...Jack?" John finds the tv on and Jack missing.

"What's wrong?" Emma calls from the kitchen.

"Is he in there with you?"

"Uh, no. I thought he was in the living room with you." Emma says as she hastily walks out to find John in a panic. "Okay, he must be here somewhere, it's kit like he just...left."

Walking over to the sliding door, there's a two inch crack between it being closed and open. Both run outside and Emma grabs two flash lights.

"JACK!!!" They both yell one after another. "You don't think?" They look at the woods and start running. They sprint for hours, with no sign of him anywhere. Getting to the creek bed, Emma sees the monkey toy she gave him.

"Oh my god. JACK!" She yells so loud her throat catches. Tears start falling and John can't find anything to console her.

"Keep going." He runs across the rocks and she follows. She run, and run, and run, and run, but there are no more signs of him. Finally, Emma spots his shoe and sock, half stuck in some mud. They pick it up and continue their new trail. "JACK!!"

Emma gets ahead of John and finds a small cave, she doesn't hesitate to go in it and hears a small whimper.

"Jack? Jack? Is that you sweetie?" She says through short sobs.

"Mommy!!" He runs through the dark and into her arms. She cries and holds him. He's so cold and wet. She takes her sweatshirt off and puts it on him, wrapping up his foot and crying in his hair. She's holding him like a baby and has a tight grip on him. "Mommy!!"

"I'm here, baby. I'm here. John! I have him! I have him John!" John, who sprinted farther ahead turns back and high tails it to the cave. "Baby, yer lips are blue and yer so cold."

"Oh my God! Jack! What did you do! Why did you run off like that!? You had me so worried! Do you realize that!" He is so angry and scared right now.

"Mommy found me, Daddy! It's otay!" Jack snuggles into Emma, who is holding him so tight.

"She ISN'T yer MOTHER! You scared the shit out of me! You could've gotten hurt! Didn't I tell you never to leave the house without me knowing!?" He's scaring Jack and hurting Emma. She loves this lil boy like her own. But that's the thing, he isn't her own. She's not his mom. She's nothing remote to his mom and that hurts that John has to rip that from a lil boy and her. Jack starts crying and John stops. He knows he's being a monster right now. He sees them both shivering. He takes his jacket off and places it around Emma's shoulder's who throws it back at him and hands Jack back over to John an storms off.

John royally fucked up and he knows it. They were just getting to a great spot. He was actually considering asking her to move in and he messed it all up. Their new norm just fell through the cracks.

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