Token of Hope

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Token of Hope

Emma looks at John with a concerning look. He sees Jack's face and she feels he'll blame her and never let Jack and her alone again. She's failed.

"What happened?"

"He decide to a a bird and face planted of the swing set pretty high. But you're okay. Aren't ya Buddy?" Emma looks down at Jack as he eats his Klondike bar.

"Okay. Jus wondered. How was everythin else sides that lil incident?" John kisses their heads and they he's toward the shops in town.

"Good. Met a woman also in a wheel chair. She has a five year old girl named Kensi. She played with Jack while her mom and I talked." John nods and steals a bite of her ice cream. she doesn't mind and says he can have it. He pushes her so her arms don't tire and she wants to ask him what he was doing. He looks kinda guilty.

"Sounds like ya both had a good time. Jackson? Why don't ya tell Emma that story you told me the other day. He sneakily hands Jack a box when Emma looks at the flowers they are passing. Jack smiles wide.

"Otay. Is a story bout a girl doggy and a boy doggy."

"Oo sounds good." Emma laughs and John smiles.

John pulls over at a bench and sits next to Emma while Jack continues.

"The boy doggy meets dis girl doggy and likes er. Sos they hangs out and one day the boys doggy takes her to a park and deys sit ons a bench. Ta boy doggy is nervis an ta girl doggy is too. But ta boy doggy wags his tail and pesents ta girl doggy wit a ring." Jack pulls out the box and John gesture for him to open it. He does and Emma's eyes go wide. "and ta boy doggy says!"

"Will you marry me?" John slides to one knee in front of Emma and Jack and Emma just covers her mouth.

"And ta girl doggy says..."

"Yes! Oh my god, John!" He stands up and hugs her and Jack. Jack smiles and she kisses his cheeks and then John again. "Oh my god! That was soo cute!"

"You's a be my real mommy now!" Jack says and hugs her tightly around the neck.

"Yes. I... I don't know what to say!" John just kisses her again and again.

"Let's go. We have reservations at 3:00 for lunch." He smiles and they start to head toward a very nice restaurant. John can't help but think about how happy their gonna be. Before they enter Emma's phone goes off.

"Hello, is this Ms. Waites?"


"Hi, I'm Dr. Liz Berkshire. I'm calling because we got yer x-rays back and have some good news. We found the main problem to yer paralyzation. There's a singular vertebrate out of place. There is a surgery that has a 50/50 chance of fixing the problem. If yer interested you can come in on Monday and we can set up a date or talk through more option. It's a token of hope that we found it."

"Thank you.... thank you so much!"

"No problem, I'll see you Monday then? How's 12:00?"

"12:00 is perfect thank you! Bye!" She hangs up the phone and does a little dance in her chair.

"Who was that?" John questions her dance.

"That was Dr. Berkshire! She says she has a 50/50 shot of getting me back to normal! I have a meeting on Monday!"

"That's great!" John hugs her and then give her a peck on the lips as they enter the restaurant.

That little token of hope really takes people far in life.

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