I'm here for you

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I was dreaming, I knew that but it felt so real. 

I was sat in a clean and alien looking room, there was a younger looking Gally, Newt, Minho and some girl sat across from me and we were all waiting, for what I didn't know. One by one they got taken out, eventually I was left with just Gally and Newt. Newt looked so upset and I thought it only right to ask him what was wrong.

"They killed them" He said, his voice dark and full of despair.

Gally spoke darkly as he lifted his shirt revealing the scars that I knew only to well, there were old bruises that looked dark and painful. "I'd be glad if they killed mine" 

Two men came in and picked up Newt and soon it was just Gally and I that were left. 

"What do you mean your's, your what?" I didn't get an awnser from Gally but my vision blurred into water and then formed to show a blurry vision of Gally being beaten, by who I couldn't be sure but they were slamming down over and over at his chest with a metal pole. I strained as much as I could to help him but I was cemented to the ground, I was screaming through my tears for them to stop but I got no recognition.

I woke up with a cold shade covering over me, I glanced to my left and saw Gally sat with his hand by his mouth, he was staring down at the floor rapidly tapping his feet on the floor.

I coughed lightly and his head jerked up. "Oh god, I'm so glad you're okay" Gally stood up with speed and hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine you big baby" I said trying to stop the tears in my eyes from pushing past my eyelids. My mind was still racing with the images I saw in my dream. 

"Okay, I, well we have Ben's exile in a bit." Gally said as he dragged his hands down my arms.

"Yeah, okay. How's Thomas?" I asked sinifiling as I looked at the scar that ran along his collar bone.

"Are you sure you're okay beautiful?" Gally asked lifting my head by my chin.

I smiled solemnly as I placed my hand on his face. "I'm fine, come on you have to go prepare" 

Gally headed out and walked to the slammer to get Ben with Minho.


We all stood around the doors of the maze doors, Newt, Gally, Alby, Frypan and Winston were waiting to push him in, they had their post's ready and were stood with blank expressions on their faces. The rest of us stood with sharpened wood ready to jab if need be.

Along came Ben in binding with Minho grabbing at his neck. "Just please listen to me, listen to me Miho" Ben was growling through gritted teeth. His breaths deep and raspy like and animal had been stabbed.

Minho forced ben to his knees and cut the bindings. Ben heaved a deep guttural inhale and wretched a cough of black goo from his mouth, his tears dripping from his eyes like a black gloopy chemical that seemed to burn into his face. Minho stood in front of the doors with a pack in his hand and as the large grinding door began to crank and crunch he threw it into the corridor ignoring Ben's pleads. 

I'd always liked Ben, he stuck up for me a couple times. But what had to be done, had to be done. 

Out came the strong gush of air and Alby shouted "Post's!" Ben was walking towards them and looking like a lost puppy that needed to be found, I knew it was what we had to do but it still felt wrong. "Move in!" Alby commanded and the boys moved forward pushing him towards the ever closing doors. Ben continued to plead and beg, demanding that we listened to him but we continued our ways and I watched as the boys advanced. "Push him in!" Alby demanded as the walls doors got smaller. 

Ben was now in to far and the posts came up, he no longer wanted to be reasoned with only saved. 

"Please please no no no no!" He screamed, I closed my eyes tightly as I heard the doors bang shut. He was gone. 

No one felt like talking to each other, I wanted nothing but to sit. 

"He belongs to the Maze now" Alby said after a while and then he headed away.

I didn't even want to talk to Gally, it was all to much. I took a deep breath and headed back to homestead with a glance at Thomas.


Later that night I sat thinking as I looked over at Thomas, watching his silly little brain whur away, he wasn't so good at hiding his emotion and I'd had enough of being in the same room as him. "I'm gonna find Gally" I said as I patted him on the back. Thomas just nodded and stayed put. 

I knew where Gally would be, at the wall of names. Crossing out Ben's. 

I walked over and saw him stood by the wall, his torch lighting his face in a hansome way. There was a sadness over the entire glade that seemed to hang like a blanket covering the sky.

By the time I reached Gally he had crossed out the name several times. "You okay?" I asked quietly. Gally slowly turned round to face me and he said nothing, just stared at me. He stepped closer so that our body were touching, he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my shoulder taking a deep breath as he squeezed me tighter. I couldn't take it anymore and the hug broke my determination and I began to cry into Gally's chest.

"I love you (y/n), I don't think I could live without you" He snuggled in tighter to me and let his arms snake even harder around me. I ran my hand along his hair as we hugged. 

"You're my beautiful girl" 

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