We're out?

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Stood in front of us was a mechanism, something with moving numbers on it. I had no idea what it meant and I looked around for clues. 

Teresa called out to Thomas.

"Thomas there's a code! Eight numbers!" 

"Minho what's the sequence!"

Minho was still violently jabbing away at the grievers that were continuing to scream and attack the boys like they were vermin that had to be extinguished. Once Minho got his wits about him he began to shout numbers.

"7 1 5 2 6 4!" Then without warning another Griever fell from the sky, pummelling towards the boys and it landed straight on top of Minho. Our friend! Our friend with the code!  Suddenly a wash of strength came over me and I snatched one of the javelin of Jeff and drove the thing deep into the grievers head, it went through so much easier than I expected- The  tail of the griever swung round and wrapped around Jeff, one of it's spines dug into his chest and he began to scream wildly, I could do nothing but watch him die as he was dragged away.

It sounds horrible but I was relieved that he was the one that died and not me or Minho.

"Minho! Last two numbers!" Chuck shouted from behind us.

" 8 3!" Teresa punched them in as quickly as she possibly could and as soon as she did the whole thing turned green and the large walls that had shown our escape smashed down and crushed the grievers below them.

We all took it in, we had made it, made it out of the maze, the glade, it was all gone. We had escaped.


We climbed out of the hole into somewhere dark, was it night time outside?

Then as if the building had heard my question a blinding light had turned on above our heads and then another and another, until an entire corridor was lit by artificial light. We all exchanged looks and we mentally decided to walk along it until we came across another horror or some beautiful oasis where our family were waiting for us, arms outstretched.

We were only walking for a short amount of time and that's when we came to it. A simple door, with a fluorescent word above it. Exit.

"Really that's it?" I heard Frypan say from behind me. I always had loved Fry, not that I knew him very well.

"I guess we just, go in and see what happens" I said, trying to sound as confident as I could.

Thomas opened the door and we all stepped in one by one. I took in my new surroundings. Glass, broken glass, computer screens.. dead bodies, sirens, discarded guns, scattered blood. What had happened here? What was meant to be the end seemed to be nothing but more unanswered questions, we started to look around, see if we could find any answers or people that were still alive.  

I wandered closer to Thomas to see if he had found anything, he was fiddling around with some keyboard and then he pressed a button. A large screen appeared in front of us and we saw a woman, older, blonde hair slicked back into a ponytail, she seemed smart and she wore all white, then she spoke; 

"Hello, I am Chancellor Paige and you are our subjects, if you are seeing this then that means you have escaped the maze. You probably have a lot of questions and I will awnser as many as I can. The reason you have been chosen is because you are smart, your brains react to situations in ways that help with our research to help find a cure. About three years ago, the sun scorched our lands, devastation raged our cities and many thousands of lives were lost. Not soon after a disease broke out, something we call the flare. It attacks the brain, otherwise known as the killzone, and your generation is the key to our success. However there are people that do not agree with our methods and so, I wish you all the best in your lives to come."

In the background of the video we all saw the attack, people breaking in and shooting the place up, like some sort of terrorist attack. Then the woman shot herself. We were left there stood alone not knowing what to do next.

I felt a hand wrap around mine and I looked up to see Newt looking at me with hopeful eyes. "She said we were important"

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