09. The accident [part 1]

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"It's not that I really cared you see..." the American took a break, "but like when it happened it was indeed scary. And I have the feeling it touched the people around me more than it did myself. I'm not saying that I didn't suffer because I did but... when I look back and realise how worried everyone was for me and how they stopped everything just to make sure I would be okay, how they hold on to me and visited me almost everyday, it kinda felt great you see? I know now that I have people that genuinely care but also want me happy, people that would do anything to see me breath. People that suffer with me. It did touch the whole crew a lot. Not only the crew, the whole fanbase, my fanbase was devastated and I couldn't be more grateful to see that I had so so many people caring and getting their hopes at their highest just to see my eyes flicker again."

Dylan's chest squeezed itself together with every word he said. Each time someone asked him about the accident that happened on set, he felt bad. All of the happiness the young man transported in himself where somehow robbed from him and all he could was look straight to the floor, seeing the images in front of his eyes over and over again. He felt every movement, he heard every sound, he smelled every scent that was present the moment it happened. It wasn't easy for the American yet, when he woke up and the doctors said he'd make it everyone was relieved and happy, as if there was no tomorrow. Everyone cared, even the people Dylan didn't talk much with anymore. It wasn't like Dylan minded that, it actually made his heart jump when he saw so many people in his room surrounding him, smiling at him brightly.

"Who was the one you were the happiest about to be there with you trough all the dark times?" the interviewer asked.

"Definitely Tyler... a-and Thomas..." when Dylan pronounced his older friends name he smiled lightly, letting go of a little chuckle.

The Britt wasn't with him at the moment, he was doing an interview next door probably with similar questions but different people. It was the first time Dylan was teared apart from Thomas since the whole press tour. This was the first press tour he did all of his interviews with Thomas until today. The boys actually even asked to do all of the interviews together. Dylan truly wanted to take advantage of every second and not being without Tom durning the interview breaks just sounded so boring to him, being without Tom in general sounded unbearable to the American.

What made him chuckle was the fact that he remembered exactly how it was when the Britt saw him in the hospital, unconscious. He remembered perfectly how his friend looked exhausted, in trance but above all, full of sadness. He hid it good though, I mean the Britt was an actor after all. But Dylan could see trough him pretty fast. Even if Thomas was the one standing back, letting the others speak Dylan knew that he was the one that wanted to hold the brunet in his arms the most.

Flashback to Dylan's incident
It was now almost a week that Dylan laid unconscious on his bed. The hopes that he'd eventually lift up his index, move his eyes or open his mouth slightly started to seem impossible at that time. A lot of people came to see him but not everyone had the time to stick with him over the clock. Momently he was alone in his room, breathing trough his nose, not doing any noise or moving any muscle. It wasn't easy for the people to accustom themselves to such a silent Dylan. A Dylan that didn't jump or dance around, one that wouldn't make them laugh with some stupid comment. It wasn't definitely easy but yet, it was possible. Hard, but possible. At least for some of them. Dylan's closest family had been heartbroken from the moment they got the news of the accident, Dylan's mom only left the clinic twice in the whole week, trying to be there for her son. Julia, Dylan's sister, was there too, making sure that her mom wouldn't break down and trying to not break down herself.

It was hard for them to see the brunet laying there, doing nothing. It was just wrong.

Yet, there was someone that never gave signs of leaving. Even when Dylan's mom told the young blonde to leave, get some sleep all he could manage was to go to the cafeteria on the next floor to get a coffee and recharge some energy. He used to do that in the mornings when Dylan's mom came into the room after being home and refreshing herself. He went there, sitting down and taking three coffees, leaving his friends room for about 2-3 hours. It was obvious for Dylan's mom that the young man never really left even if she told him to but she didn't have the nerve to really protest with him over that fact. She knew that he had to get some rest but the fact that the blonde stuck so close to her son made her happy. The sad looks he always gave at Dylan made her feel better. It really showed her that her son was truly in good hands and with people that genuinely cared.

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