The Day Not To Be Remembered

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The sun was peeking on the horizon of the beautiful Pulau Rintis. The day was the same as other to most people but to some of them today is the day is the day not to be remembered.

Fang's footsteps are heavier than yesterday and the day before. Today is the anniversary of what the citizens believe to be The Death of Boboiboy.

The day was just beginning but Fang just wants it to end. I t was very true that everyone believe that the life of the young hero has ended. So did him himself.

The air was heavy just like the grief suffocating his heart. "Fang!" A familiar voice echoes behind him. A Chinese girl runs towards her pony tail swings from left to right. "Hey Ying, wow you're early today." She stops right in front of him with a pale smile. Her head drops looking at her briefcase in front of her. "Of course." She looks back him lifting her now crying face. "I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Yeah me neither."

This was a tradition. Since what happen 4 years ago Yaya, Gopal, Ying and Fang will go to the very place that took their precious friends life. "Do you want to wait for the others or do you want to go?"

"We're already here you know"

Gopal and Yaya stands right behind Fang both with a bouquet of flowers in their hand. "I guess we're all here."

The journey felt like forever even thought it was only 5 minutes walking distance from their gathering location.

5 minutes pass and there they are. In front of a dark alley where it all ended. The gang walks into the alley. With every step their hearts becomes heavier and heavier.

First step

All the sadness just comes rushing in.

Second step

The regret that was born from the thought of not being able to see him again

Third step

The thought that everything could have ended differently if they we were there that day

Forth step

More regret

Fifth step

The memories that they use to have to spend with each other flashes in their mind

Final step

Blank thought

Today is truly the day not to be remembered.

Because up to this point they still can't accept the reality of their GOODBYES.

PULAU RINTIS- 12 May 2013

Shocking moment for the citizens of Pulau Rintis. The young hero of Pulau Rintis, Boboiboy age 13 is missing. What truly happen to this young hero is still up in the air. A witness claim to hear gun shots from the alley between the Harun Automobile Shop and the Mahsuri Self Service Laundry. The witness said. "I heard a load gun shots when I was loading my things into my car. I heard a voice screaming a pain before another gun shot was fired. I called the police immediately after that. Other people were there too and they were as shock as I was."

The police further investigate the situation. The head of the police department said during the press conference "We investigate the crime scene, all we could find was a speck of blood that we have took a few samples back to the laboratory to be tested. The came out and it is indeed the blood of Boboiboy. We are still trying to find the remaining of the young boy. Besides the blood we found three bullets casing that we assume belongs to the culprit. The bullets belong to an unregister gun that we were unable to track down. We hope that the citizens of the Pulau Rintis take an extra pre caution and avoid from coming outside at night as we believe the culprit is still out there."

When will the truth will be unfolded that is question still waiting for an answer

It can't be, can it?

The world I was Born Into (Remake) Boboiboy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now