Location: Lighthouse

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Fang looks around the lighthouse negotiating either he should go in or not. The storm seems to pushing him into the lighthouse. Fang stared long and deep before going in. He couldn't believe his following a trail of a girl he barely knows. He takes out the map and stared at his current location. Unlike his clothes the map was dry and safe kept inside an airtight plastic bag along with the smartphone.

He pulls out the phone and stared at the massage he received hours ago.

'The first location is at the beach. Come at 5:00 pm. There you'll find the first taste of reality.'

Taste of reality. Those words kept running around his head the second he reads the message. He closes the door behind him and look at the stairway. Spiraling to a mystery. Without a second to waste he runs up those stairs. Shouldn't he be afraid of the unknown? Apparently he is but standing around doing nothing isn't much of an option either.

Dust flies of the metal stairway as his feet stomps viciously on it. With each step he takes the emptiness echoes the sound of his boots hitting the metal stairs and with each step he takes he comes closer and closer to the unknown.

The silver metal door, slightly ajar pulls Fang right in but he took a brief moment to catch his breath. His hands on both of his knees and his body slightly bend. He takes a deep breath before pushing the door open. It was the operating room. Buttons and levels covered in dust and spider web. The lantern that has lost its purpose. He couldn't understand why he feels sad when he looks at them.

"The view is beautiful from here"

Fang startled and turns around and sees Kimona standing there. At the metal door she walks into the room, passing by Fang without batting an eye she opens a copper door that leads them outside. Fang follows her from behind still confused with her ghostly behavior of showing up at random time. She stands facing the horizon, the storm has pass and the sun is at the verge of setting. "It is beautiful." Fang stand next to her and stare at the same scenery. Unlike the light house the view was just simply beautiful.

"I used to watch it while holding her hand tight. We will stare till the sun is completely set and the beautiful orange sky turns dark and cold. We will always remain together. Till the dusk comes and greet us we hoped we could stay a little longer. Together with our fingers intertwine; just a little longer. For we know it will end soon. That we will one day no longer greet the rising sun and say goodbye once it sets." Fang rest his arm on the railing. "Yet here I am staring at setting sun..."

"Without her."

"Were you close?" Fang said while staring at the sun, he didn't want to look at Kimona. He didn't her want to feel worst. "Very." Fang takes a deep breath "Yeah... I know that feeling. I remembered 5 years ago we stared at the same sun, the same ocean and I told him everything."Kimona glance and this time he looks at her back. Her facial expression softens and her eyes were teary.

"What was it?"

"Well it's a long story but let just say I choose to stay here instead of going home, with my brother. My friend asked me why I choose what I choose."

"What was your answer?"

"Well, I told him I wanted to live. This island, the ocean, the rising and setting sun, the people; all of these things gave me comfort and ease. I finally had a home that I longed for I wasn't willing to let it go. I'm done fighting. I just want to live my numbered days to the fullest. But then I lost someone. Someone who was so close to me that I never once thought I will lose so soon. Then everything didn't feel complete anymore. My days were emptier and it feels so cold. I just couldn't bare it."

"What is it?"


"You need to call it by its true name."

Fang close his eyes, trying to remember that very day. The day after his brother left him to be with his friends. On the sandy beach at dawn. At the edge of the water with Boboiboy by his side. Listening to him. To every word.

All their treasure memories come flooding in. Slowly a single drop of tear slid across Fangs cheeks as he opens his eyes.


"Its true name is grief."

The world I was Born Into (Remake) Boboiboy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now