Chapter 12

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Link made his way aross Hyrule, all the while saying to himself,

"Don't turn around. Keep going, Link. This is for the best. Just don't turn around," It was killing him, but he kept going. He had absolutly no ide where he was going,and he didn't have any of his weapons except his sword, but even that didn't stop him.

He decided to go somewhere where nobody could find him. After all, hardly anyone knew where it was,

"Midna? I need to ask you something," he said quietly. He knew she would hear. After waiting a few moments with no response, he stopped Epona, " Midna?"


He groaned. He couldn't get to Snowpeak without her. Where else could he go? The dessert was an option. Even though the Mirror of Twilight was there, it was a huge place, which would make it hard to find him. He could deal with Dayfos without distractions.

He turned in the direction of Lake Hylia. The usual pesky monsters seemed to sense his mood and stayed away.

At the entrance to the lake, he lept off of Epona and patted her neck,

"Bye, girl. Make sure you head back to Ordon. Someone there will take care of you now," he thought for a second, "Llia," he decided, "Go to her. She should be the one to keep you," The mare nickered and Link almost smiled, "Yeah, I'll miss you, too," He turned and walked down the stairs.

He picked up a cucco and payed the man 20 rupees. Then, he jumped. He made no effort to get any rupees, since he wouldn't need them in the dessert.

He landed close to Fyer's. The cucco he grabbed quickly swam away from him, to who knows where.

The planks rocked as he climbed up. He didn't care though, since he tended to dry off extremely quickly. He squished over to Fyer,

"Hey, buddy. What'll it be?" he asked, chuckling. He kind of creeped Link out,

"Oasis flight," he said automatically,

"Ok, step right up," Link handed him 10 rupees and walked into the cannon.

It was only a few seconds before he was shot off towards his new home.

Unlike the first time he came there, he didn't land on his feet. Instead, he fell on his face in the soft sand.

He sat up and shook sand out of his hair, which was already dry. The Sun was starting to set, so he had to find shelter quickly. The dessert was not going to be an amazing place to live, and he wished he could have gone to Snowpeak. There, he would have had a real home, plently of food, and company. Here, a cave and scavenging would have to do.

He decided to try once more for Midna,

"Midna?" he asked aloud. He felt sort of silly, and was starting to think he was imagining seeing her,

What? her voice answered, annoyed,

"Why didn't you answer the last time I called for you?" he asked. Maybe he could go to Snowpeak now,

I was talking to someone. You're not the only person I can or want to talk to, you know, He rolled his eyes,

"Fine, whatever. I need to ask you something," He stood up and brushed off his clothes,


"Is there anyway you could make something for me to be able to shift anytime I want? To port, too, if that's possible," he heard her laughing,
You seriously underestimate me, Link, she said, If that's what you want, then sure, but don't be expecting these kinda of favors all the time. This is just because I kind of owe you, ok? he nodded and waited.

Soon, a small cuff appeared in the air. It dropped into his extended hand. He looked at it.

The cuff was à dark grey, with 2 small circles, one blue and one red, on the middle,

Just press the red one to shift and the blue one to port. Simple enough? Link nodded,

"Ok, I haven't had the chance yet, but now I want some answers," He heard a sigh,

Fine, she said. He put on the cuff and pressed the blue button. With the thought of the snowy mountain, he closed his eyes.

He felt the air get colder, until he started shivering,

"First, how is this possible?" he asked as he opened his eyes to the snowy scene,

At first, it was hard to figure out, but I learned that if there is someone in the Light world that I was bonded with, I could speak with and send things to them. One of the many perks of being the Twilight Princess,

"So, you're bonded with me?" he asked sarcasticly.

Not like that, idiot! she said loudly,

"Ok, ok. Can you form here?" she was silent for a few seconds,

No, she simply said

"Do you know Dayfos?" He growled his name,

I have no idea who that is, That surprised him,

"One more," he hesitated, " Why did you break the mirror?"


"Ok, Forget I mentioned it. Can I ask who you were talking to earlier?" He realized he hadn't moved, and he walked up the hill to where he first met Yeto.

Yeto and his wife, Yeta, were both there, but Link waited to approach them,

Zelda, and I've got to say, you really are an idiot,

"Thanks," he said sarcasticly, "Wait, that means...You'ré bonded with Zelda?" he spoke quietly, so Yeto wouldn't hear him,

Link, both our hearts where as one, for a time. Plus, she's the princess of light. I'm the princess of Twilight. Obviously we're bonded. Don't change the subject, though. Why would you leave like that? Come on, what were you thinking?

"I was thinking that, if I'm supposed to protect her, which I am, I have to protect her from myself, too,"

You can't possibly think that-

"Look, we'll talk about this later. I'm freezing," he walked the rest of the way to the couple,

"YOU COME TO SLED?" Yeto asked loudly,

"Actually, no. I need to ask a favor," The Yeti laughed, a booming sound that seemed to echo off everything,

"ANYTHING!" He said,

"Can I stay with you for awhile? Certain...circumstances have left me without a house,"

"OF COURSE! COME TO HOUSE. WE RIDE, OK?" Link nodded before following him down to his house.

It sure is going to be weird living in a past dungeon...

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